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allow to specify build exceptions #32

Open kohlhase opened 9 years ago

kohlhase commented 9 years ago

I would like to have mechanism where I can specify files that should not be built (by a regexp). I imagine a .mmtbuild file per directory which has entries like

no-sms: foo.tex
no-omdoc: *bar*.tex

And when we have something like this, we could have other build-config targets as well.

cmaeder commented 9 years ago

We should avoid yet another (additional) configuration file. Maybe just the mmt command line syntax for "build" (that is also used in .msl files) can be extended. I suggest for example:

build <Group/Repo> <target> [<regex>] [except <regex>]

where <target> may be one of our current targets (like sms, stex-omdoc, latexml, pdflatex, mmt-omdoc, twelf-omdoc, tptp-twelf) possibly with the modifiers (*, !, ?). "except" would be a (new) keyword (hoping that we do not need to support a file or directory named except)

cmaeder commented 9 years ago

Also mws, svg, lf-scala are build targets.

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

@kohlhase Do you still need this feature (after #54 has been implemented)? Would it be an option to add your above entries to the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file?

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

I am not sure, how would I do the following use case: I would like to say something like

cd ~/localmh/MathHub/MiKoMH/GenCS
lmh omdoc --update

and I have the expectation that it would build all the omdoc files that need building. But it would not recurse into the */tikz directories. How would I do that?

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

It does not recurse into tikz (this is hard-coded).

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

is there a way to specify that it should leave out a specific file in this? e.g. because it is not ready?

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

No, but would you like to add the name of such a file into another file (like META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)? Or would you rather prefer one (or multiple) --exclude options on the lmh (and mmt) command line?

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

BTW the --update option (or mmt option --onChange) will try to build a file only once. Only MMT's --onError would always try to rebuild a file that previously failed to build.

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

would you like to add the name of such a file into another file (like META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)?

yes, the proposal here was to to a file .mmtbuild in the local directory. but the MANIFEST is also possible.

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

Ok, it's implemented by https://github.com/KWARC/MMT/commit/a16796051229701c74e24a2ae56c777744bd8f71. Several regexprs (separated by blanks) may follow the colon. I've tested it with a single file. I'm not sure how matches behaves.

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

documentation is at the bottom of https://github.com/KWARC/MMT/wiki/Customizing-LaTeXML-processing

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

The java pattern http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html for your example must be written as .*bar.*.tex (where the last . happens to match the literal ., but it could be escaped using \ in \.).

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

Make a new ticket if also directories should be excluded.

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

allow to specify exceptions for directories, too

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

I think that the regular expressions should just match the full relative path to the file. That would be useful to me. I have committed a regular expression in ```MiKoMH/TDM/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

I match the relative path (below source), now. Also positive build- patterns can be given. f23f0a950f7bf1fc21facc8357f939cfb9eba0f7

cmaeder commented 8 years ago

someone wanted special .ignore files within directories to be checked. (When this becomes urgent let me know.)