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integrate oeis #40

Closed cmaeder closed 9 years ago

cmaeder commented 9 years ago

trying to add oeis to build.sbt

lazy val oeis = (project in file("mmt-oeis")).
  settings(commonSettings("mmt-oeis"): _*)

yields compilation errors:

[error] /home/maeder/MMT/src/mmt-oeis/src/info/kwarc/mmt/oeis/OEISImporter.scala:156: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : info.kwarc.mmt.api.MPath
[error]  required: info.kwarc.mmt.api.modules.DeclaredTheory
[error]     OMDoc.parseNarrativeObject(n)(dpath, mpath, errorCont, resolveSPath)
[error]                                          ^
[error] /home/maeder/MMT/src/mmt-oeis/src/info/kwarc/mmt/oeis/OEISSearchServer.scala:7: not found: type TEMASearchServer
[error] class OEISSearchServer extends TEMASearchServer("oeis") {
[error]                                ^
[error] /home/maeder/MMT/src/mmt-oeis/src/info/kwarc/mmt/oeis/OEISSearchServer.scala:9: not found: value controller
[error]   lazy val imp = controller.extman.get(classOf[OEISImporter]) match {
[error]                  ^
[error] /home/maeder/MMT/src/mmt-oeis/src/info/kwarc/mmt/oeis/OEISSearchServer.scala:21: not found: value controller
[error]       val errorCont = new ErrorLogger(controller.report)
[error]                                       ^
[error] /home/maeder/MMT/src/mmt-oeis/src/info/kwarc/mmt/oeis/OEISSearchServer.scala:22: value parseNarrativeObject is not a member of Any
[error]       imp.parseNarrativeObject(elem)(dpath, mpath, errorCont)
[error]           ^
m-iancu commented 9 years ago

Indeed, I had forgotten to commit some stuff in other projects. I did that now (and it works for me at the moment).