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mmt make command not recognized #582

Closed patrick-nicodemus closed 10 months ago

patrick-nicodemus commented 10 months ago

The command "make" for the mmt shell is not working for me. It is in the program's internal help docs, i.e., show help make returns a list of commands, so I assume this has not been deprecated or intentionally removed.

mmt>make alltex
error: (error) parse error: make alltex
  error: `deps' expected but `a' found

Same with make pdflatex, make sms, and others. This looks like a generic parse error that happens whenever it doesn't recognize the command, i.e.

java -jar .\MMT\systems\MMT\deploy\mmt.jar abcd efgh
error: (error) parse error: abcd efgh
  error: `deps' expected but `e' found

gives the same error.

java -jar .\MMT\systems\MMT\deploy\mmt.jar abcd deps
user: 'http://cds.omdoc.org/abcd deps'
<mmtabox xmlns="http://omdoc.org/abox">


user: 'http://cds.omdoc.org/abcd deps' finished

I have tried this on multiple machines, windows 10, windows 11 and linux. In each case I am using a relatively recent version of Java, 17+.

Jazzpirate commented 10 months ago

This might be an issue with the alltex build target, which has been silently deprecated - I was not aware anyone was ever trying to use it except for Michael (Kohlhase). Same with sms - the build target is not needed anymore for sTeX >3.0. pdflatex still exists as a build target - not sure why that doesn't work, but I was also not aware of make as a CL argument.

Can you somewhat elaborate on what you're trying to do and why? Chances are, there are better workflows nowadays that you might want to try, when it comes to sTeX...

patrick-nicodemus commented 10 months ago

Hi Jazzpirate. I would like to learn how to use sTeX and I thought I would start here. https://gl.mathhub.info/HelloWorld/coursematerials#working-locally-with-stex-based-course-materials The walkthrough says to run the command

mmt lmh make alltex

once the necessary prereqs are installed.

If you can direct me to another tutorial which explains the simplest and most straightforward way to get off the ground with a basic working example of sTeX, I do not really need this command.

Jazzpirate commented 10 months ago

Oh, yes, that is horribly outdated as it seems, sorry about that.

The up-to-date documentation and tutorial can be found as pdf here: https://github.com/slatex/sTeX/blob/main/doc/stex-doc.pdf ...and as html here: https://stexmmt.mathhub.info/:sTeX/browser/fullhtml?archive=sTeX/Documentation&filepath=documentation.xhtml

Also note that we have a public matrix channel here: https://matrix.to/#/#stex:fau.de If you run into problems or have questions, feel free to ask there for (likely) more immediate responses