UniFormal / MMT

The MMT Language and System
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Sanity Check has high performance impact. #587

Open MaZiFAU opened 5 months ago

MaZiFAU commented 5 months ago

This "sanity check": https://github.com/UniFormal/MMT/blob/297b0e1d92fa359b1d6a55658fa14bc9978b90aa/src/frameit-mmt/src/info/kwarc/mmt/frameit/communication/server/ConcreteServerEndpoints.scala#L225

incurres a high performance impact (about x60 compared without check, e.g. with "http://mathhub.info/FrameIT/frameworld?RiverScrollSimple") amounting to several seconds (e.g. 12.2s vs 0.2s).

There seem to be no consequences of commenting it out when everything type-checks.