UniLuFS2020-ReplicationSeminar / Guardian-API-Project

Analyse Guardian headlines containing search term "Syria" from 2011-present, with Amanda, Beyza and Marius.
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Interactive Plot Code not working #4

Open AmandaFranklinRyan opened 1 year ago

AmandaFranklinRyan commented 1 year ago

Hey again!

I've just added some code in the R scripts folder trying to make the plot of the number of articles over time interactive, but it isn't working properly. I would like the date, number of articles and keywords to appear when the user hovers the relevent bar. It would be great if the bar itself could change colour on hover too ideally.

The number of articles and date do appear but not in the way I stipulated in the hover template and I have no clue how to make the key words show. I've not done this before so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks :))

AmandaFranklinRyan commented 1 year ago

I've still got no clue what's going on with the interactivity code, but I added 3 key events to the interactive chart: Trump thanking the Kurds, the chemical weapon attacks in Ghouta and the Paris terrorist attacks. Just let me know what you think :) The final chart is in the visualisations folder