UniMainzGeo / LaMEM

LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model) - a 3D parallel code to simulate geodynamic and geomechanical processes
MIT License
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Subject: Compilation Error in LaMEM: Assistance Needed #7

Closed yan1in closed 10 months ago

yan1in commented 10 months ago

I am currently working with LaMEM and encountered an issue while compiling using the "make mode=opt all" command. The error message I received is as follows:

In file paraViewOutBin.cpp, line 378:
Error: macro "SETERRQ" is passed 4 arguments but takes only 3
  378 |   SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_USER, "Too many phase aggregates specified! Max allowed: %lld", (LLD)_max_num_phase_agg_);

Could you kindly provide guidance on how to resolve this compilation error? I appreciate your assistance in this matter.

boriskaus commented 10 months ago

which version of PETSc are you using?

yan1in commented 10 months ago

According to the document, install version 3.16.4 of PETSc

boriskaus commented 10 months ago

Ah that explains the issue - it should be version 3.18.6. We have some issue with the compilation of the documentation so it has not been updated since a long time - apologies for this!

yan1in commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much for your assistance. The issue was resolved after I reinstalled PETSc version 3.18.6.

boriskaus commented 10 months ago

I've updated the documentation scripts, so now the docs are up-to-date again