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App crash with isbn retrieving #158

Closed SarahKurek closed 3 years ago

SarahKurek commented 3 years ago

App crashes in ISBN search if the author exists in different spellings, because then the format "last name, first name" is not necessarily true. Then the authorList has one element, which is null, what then leads to a crash because of missing error catching.

The test was done with the ISBN: 9783150012413 Link to related the dataset: https://portal.dnb.de/opac.htm?method=simpleSearch&cqlMode=true&query=nid=118577468 or http://d-nb.info/gnd/118577468

Also if the book has multiple authors, only the first one is taken over and not all of them, but here I don't know if it's because there's a split between main and co-authors (ISBN 9780262038904).

LuisMossburger commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for the information!

1) The reason here is that "Marc Aurel" is not a regular "name" but an so-called "Eigenname". I would suggest splitting at the last space of the name in that case - that is not 100% correct (e.g. Spanish Surnames can be multiple words with a space between them), but in that case we unfortunately do not have the data fields that would be needed to implement that correctly from the API. At least the user has the possibility to correct that if it turns out false.

2) In other cases, all authors are correctly added to the new book item. In this case, librarians have actively decided to show "Eriksson, Maria" as most important and primary author and others only as "contributors" (for example because she is the only person on the cover or her name is the largest etc.). So in that case, only taking her is expected behavior and I would suggest leaving it that way. What is your opinion? :)

SarahKurek commented 3 years ago

It's okay for me.