UniStuttgart-VISUS / damast

Code for the DH project "Dhimmis & Muslims – Analysing Multireligious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World" (VolkswagenFoundation)
MIT License
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Update README and evaluate whether the build instructions are complete #115

Closed mfranke93 closed 2 years ago

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

Recent attempts by others to build Damast for testing have revealed that the instructions in the README are not complete, or that there are implicit assumptions about the development environment and installed programs that I do not notice, because the prerequisites are all given on my systems. For example, currently a Rust development environment with the wasm32-unknown-unknown target is required for the prepare script of the mfranke93/wasm-clustering npm dependency. This is not documented in any way, but ideally will be moot and solved in that repo (see there).