UniStuttgart-VISUS / damast

Code for the DH project "Dhimmis & Muslims – Analysing Multireligious Spaces in the Medieval Muslim World" (VolkswagenFoundation)
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Fix annotation ranges for existing annotations #132

Closed mfranke93 closed 2 years ago

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

I recently stumbled on a bug in the annotator where annotations or annotation suggestions were not placed correctly, but one or two characters off in some places. This was related to JavaScript using UTF-16 text encoding, but the rest of the toolchain using UTF-8. I have since fixed the issue upstream (https://github.com/mfranke93/dom-tree-annotator/issues/1), and the fixed version (https://github.com/UniStuttgart-VISUS/damast/issues/130) will be merged into main in release v1.1.2 (https://github.com/UniStuttgart-VISUS/damast/pull/129).

After the new version is live, the incorrect annotations in some documents (mainly document ID 3, I think) will become visible. This screenshot shows the issue clearly (test version):


Here, the suggestions are already placed correctly again, but the existing annotations have now shifted. They are placed correctly, but were previously created with the bug active. They should be at "Yuhannon", "bishop", and "Mardin", but are shifted.

@rpbarczok @tutebatti I can take care of moving the annotations as soon as v1.1.2 is merged. Until then, this is paused. I might come back to you if I am unclear, but (1) most cases will be obvious, (2) the shift is the same for all annotations in one area, and (3) there really are not that many annotations. I just wanted you to know this is (or will be) happening, and to not create new annotations until then if possible. The DaRUS data is not affected by the bug, as there were no annotations or documents in that.

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

DONE: Michael Rabo, Chronicle (engl.) (67; v1 (3)): 94 annotations, 30 evidences.

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

No issues in Benjamin eng (40; v3 (6)): 17 annotations, 0 evidences.

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

Fixed some smaller issues that were probably data entry errors, not bug-related, in Bar Hebarus, Ecclesiastical History (engl.) (32; v1 (2)): 57 annotations, 15 evidences.

mfranke93 commented 2 years ago

No annotations in other documents, that should have been all.