Closed ahmad007 closed 1 year ago
The start time, end time, and increment for each selection on the Times dropdown of the Timetable page can be changed using the unitime.timeGrid.timesX application properties (see Administration > Defaults > Configuration)
You can modify (or create another) time window (Times dropdown in the Filter on the Timetable page) using the unitime.timeGrid.timesX application properties (X is a number starting with one). The defaults are:
unitime.timeGrid.times3=Daytime & Evening|90|276|6
The format is name|first slot|last slot|increment, e.g., Daytime|90|222|6 means starting at 7:30 am, ending at 6:30 pm, in half-hour increments. All time slots are 5 minutes long and start at midnight.
So, for instance, if you want to change the Daytime & Evening times, create a new application property unitime.timeGrid.times3 and set it to what you need (using the Administration > Defaults > Configuration page). If you want to create new options, create property unitime.timeGrid.times5, unitime.timeGrid.times6, and so on.
Is it possible to change the timetable grid to start from any time rather than 7:30a using a GUI option? Or Should it be changed programmatically?
Also, is it possible to change the timetable grid unit to be 1 hour instead of 30 minutes using a GUI option?