UniTime / unitime

Comprehensive University Timetabling System
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple menu bars and fields #50

Closed jayarathina closed 4 years ago

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

I installed UniTime. But i am getting multiple menu bars during login (ten to be exact). The footer also has the Version 4.4.114 built on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 to 10 times.

localhost_8080_UniTime_login do

Some sections of the page (after loging) in also repeats itself. localhost_8080_UniTime_gwt jsp_page=listSolutions

Some fields inside also replicates itself. (see date field in the below image) localhost_8080_UniTime_sessionEdit do

What could be the reason?

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

I am using 64 bit Windows 10 Pro with following config: MySql Server 5.7 (i did not install the latest version because this issue. But i will post about it when i am able to replicate it again. I went the because of this and this) Tomcat 8.5 Java SDK 12.0.2

Log file (if needed) (from Tomcat 8.5\logs)

[07/25/19 21:00:28] INFO XmlWebApplicationContext -> Closing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'action-servlet': startup date [Thu Jul 25 18:14:34 IST 2019]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext [07/25/19 21:00:28] INFO XmlWebApplicationContext -> Closing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Thu Jul 25 18:14:15 IST 2019]; root of context hierarchy [07/25/19 21:00:28] INFO DefaultLifecycleProcessor -> Stopping beans in phase 1073741823 [07/25/19 21:00:44] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> - Initializing Hibernate ... [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO Version -> HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {4.0.5.Final} [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO Version -> HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.3.11.Final} [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO ConnectionProviderInitiator -> HHH000130: Instantiating explicit connection provider: org.unitime.commons.hibernate.connection.LoggingDBCPConnectionProvider [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO LoggingDBCPConnectionProvider -> Database connection pool logging is enabled. [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO Dialect -> HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory -> HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory [07/25/19 21:00:45] INFO UpdateTimestampsCache -> HHH000250: Starting update timestamps cache at region: org.hibernate.cache.spi.UpdateTimestampsCache [07/25/19 21:00:46] INFO StandardQueryCache -> HHH000248: Starting query cache at region: org.hibernate.cache.internal.StandardQueryCache [07/25/19 21:00:46] INFO run -> InfoCache cleanup thread started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO SessionFactoryRegistry -> HHH000094: Bound factory to JNDI name: unitime:hibernate/SessionFactory [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO TransactionFactoryInitiator -> HHH000399: Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions) [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO -> Reading file:/C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 8.5/webapps/UniTime/WEB-INF/lib/timetable.jar!/dbupdate.xml ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO DatabaseUpdate -> Current UniTime database version: 220 [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO DatabaseUpdate -> New UniTime database version: 220 [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> - Creating Message Log Appender ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> - Initializing Room Availability Service ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> - Cleaning Logs ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> - Starting Event Expiration Service ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO afterPropertiesSet -> UniTime 4.4.114 build on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 initialized successfully [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO EventExpirationService -> Event expiration service started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO EventExpirationService -> Checking for expired events ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO CourseSolverContainer -> Restore folder: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\data\unitime\restore [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO CourseSolverContainer -> Solver passivation thread started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO ExaminationSolverContainer -> Solver passivation thread started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO StudentSolverContainer -> Solver passivation thread started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO InstructorSchedulingContainer -> Solver passivation thread started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO OnlineStudentSchedulingContainer -> Student Sectioning Service is starting up ... [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO AbstractSolverServer -> Solver server is up and running. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO updater[generic] -> Generic updater started. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO OnlineSectioningLogger -> Online Sectioning Logger is up. [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource -> URL 'ldap://null', root DN is '' [07/25/19 21:00:49] INFO AbstractContextSource -> Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read-write operations [07/25/19 21:00:52] INFO MenuBackend -> Reading menu from file:/C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 8.5/webapps/UniTime/WEB-INF/lib/timetable.jar!/menu.xml ... [07/25/19 21:00:52] INFO MenuBackend -> Reading custom menu from file:/C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 8.5/webapps/UniTime/WEB-INF/lib/timetable.jar!/menu-custom.xml ... [07/25/19 21:00:52] INFO TaskExecutorService -> Task executor service started. [07/25/19 21:00:52] INFO JtaTransactionManager -> Using JTA UserTransaction: Transaction: unknown [07/25/19 21:00:52] INFO JtaTransactionManager -> Using JTA TransactionManager: Transaction: unknown [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO ThreadPoolTaskScheduler -> Initializing ExecutorService 'taskScheduler' [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DefaultSecurityFilterChain -> Creating filter chain: org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AnyRequestMatcher@1, [org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter@6a616c73, org.springframework.security.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter@63dc8205, org.springframework.security.web.header.HeaderWriterFilter@38ba2ddf, org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout.LogoutFilter@3179b28c, org.springframework.security.web.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter@501a5224, org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www.BasicAuthenticationFilter@57d12e88, org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest.RequestCacheAwareFilter@3e6c3578, org.springframework.security.web.servletapi.SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter@42fd1deb, org.unitime.timetable.spring.security.UniTimeAnonymousAuthenticationFilter@4074fce2, org.springframework.security.web.session.SessionManagementFilter@1e8f2f0a, org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter@41970e56, org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor@6baf51ca] [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DefaultFilterChainValidator -> Checking whether login URL '/login.do' is accessible with your configuration [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DefaultLifecycleProcessor -> Starting beans in phase 0 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {transformer} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-file' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-file' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#0 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {transformer} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-file-enriched' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-file-enriched' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#1 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {service-activator} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-xml' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-xml' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#2 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {message-handler} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-log' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-log' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#3 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {transformer} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-failure' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-failure' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#4 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {transformer} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-failure-enriched' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-failure-enriched' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#5 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {message-handler} as a subscriber to the 'data-import-failure-log' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.data-import-failure-log' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#6 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {service-activator} as a subscriber to the 'event-inbound-emails' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DirectChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.event-inbound-emails' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started org.springframework.integration.config.ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean#7 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> Adding {logging-channel-adapter:_org.springframework.integration.errorLogger} as a subscriber to the 'errorChannel' channel [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO PublishSubscribeChannel -> Channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/UniTime.errorChannel' has 1 subscriber(s). [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO EventDrivenConsumer -> started _org.springframework.integration.errorLogger [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO DefaultLifecycleProcessor -> Starting beans in phase 1073741823 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO SourcePollingChannelAdapter -> started org.springframework.integration.config.SourcePollingChannelAdapterFactoryBean#0 [07/25/19 21:00:53] INFO ContextLoader -> Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 11829 ms [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO ActionServlet -> Loading chain catalog from jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Software%20Foundation/Tomcat%208.5/webapps/UniTime/WEB-INF/lib/struts-core-1.3.10.jar!/org/apache/struts/chain/chain-config.xml [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO TilesPlugin -> Tiles definition factory loaded for module ''. [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO ContextLoaderPlugIn -> ContextLoaderPlugIn for Struts ActionServlet 'action, module '': initialization started [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO XmlWebApplicationContext -> Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'action-servlet': startup date [Thu Jul 25 21:00:54 IST 2019]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO XmlBeanDefinitionReader -> Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml] [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO ContextLoaderPlugIn -> Using context class 'org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext' for servlet 'action' [07/25/19 21:00:54] INFO ContextLoaderPlugIn -> ContextLoaderPlugIn for Struts ActionServlet 'action', module '': initialization completed in 13 ms [07/25/19 21:00:55] INFO JProf -> Using wall time. [07/25/19 21:00:57] INFO TilesRequestProcessor -> Tiles definition factory found for request processor ''. [07/25/19 21:05:06] INFO Registration -> Registration information received. [07/25/19 21:05:49] INFO server[Fal2010woebegon] -> Executor is waiting for a new job... [07/25/19 21:05:49] INFO server[Fal2010woebegon] -> Config: [ Comparator.Class: org.cpsolver.ifs.solution.GeneralSolutionComparator CourseRequest.SameTimePrecise: true Distances.Ellipsoid: WGS84 Distances.ShortDistanceAccommodationReference: SD Enrollment.CanKeepCancelledClass: false Extensions.Classes: org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.DistanceConflict;org.cpsolver.studentsct.extension.TimeOverlapsCounter General.BalanceUnlimited: false General.SaveBestUnassigned: 0 General.SaveDefaultProperties: false General.StartUpDate: 1564068949773 Interactive.UpdateCourseRequests: true Load.CheckEnabledForScheduling: true Load.CheckForNoBatchStatus: true Load.IncludeCourseDemands: true Load.IncludeLastLikeStudents: false Load.RequestGroups: false Load.StudentQuery: Load.TweakLimits: false Neighbour.BackTrackDepth: 4 Neighbour.BackTrackTimeout: 5000 Neighbour.BranchAndBoundMinimizePenalty: false Neighbour.BranchAndBoundTimeout: 5000 Neighbour.Class: org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.StudentSctNeighbourSelection Neighbour.MaxValues: 100 Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentOfProblemStudentProb: 0.9 Neighbour.RandomUnassignmentProb: 0.5 Neighbour.SwapStudentsMaxValues: 100 Neighbour.SwapStudentsTimeout: 5000 OnlineStudentSectioning.TimesToAvoidHeuristics: true OverExpected.Disbalance: 0.100 OverExpected.Percentage: 1.000 OverExpected.Rounding: ROUND OverExpectedCriterion.Class: org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.expectations.AvoidUnbalancedWhenNoExpectations Reservation.CanAssignOverTheLimit: true SectionLimit.PreferDummyStudents: true Sectioning.KeepInitialAssignments: false Student.DummyStudentWeight: 0.01 StudentLunch.EndStart: 156 StudentLunch.Length: 6 StudentLunch.StartSlot: 132 StudentSct.CBS: true StudentSct.ProjectedCourseDemadsClass: None StudentSct.StudentDist: true StudentSct.TimeOverlaps: true StudentSctBasic.Mode: Initial StudentSctBasic.WhenFinished: No Action StudentWeights.AlternativeRequestFactor: 0.1260 StudentWeights.AvailabilityFactor: 0.050 StudentWeights.AvgPenaltyFactor: 0.001 StudentWeights.BackToBackDistance: 6 StudentWeights.BackToBackFactor: -0.0010 StudentWeights.BalancingFactor: 0.0050 StudentWeights.Class: org.cpsolver.studentsct.online.selection.StudentSchedulingAssistantWeights StudentWeights.DistanceConflict: 0.0500 StudentWeights.FirstAlternative: 0.5010 StudentWeights.LeftoverSpread: false StudentWeights.LunchBreakFactor: 0.0050 StudentWeights.Mode: Priority StudentWeights.MultiCriteria: true StudentWeights.NoTimeFactor: 0.050 StudentWeights.PenaltyFactor: 0.250 StudentWeights.Perturbation: 0.1000 StudentWeights.PreferenceFactor: 0.500 StudentWeights.Priority: 0.5010 StudentWeights.PriorityWeighting: true StudentWeights.ProjectedStudentWeight: 0.0100 StudentWeights.SameChoice: 0.900 StudentWeights.SameChoiceFactor: 0.125 StudentWeights.SameGroup: 0.1000 StudentWeights.SameNameFactor: 0.014 StudentWeights.SameRoomsFactor: 0.007 StudentWeights.SameTime: 0.700 StudentWeights.SameTimeFactor: 0.070 StudentWeights.SecondAlternative: 0.2510 StudentWeights.SelectionFactor: 0.3750 StudentWeights.ShortDistanceConflict: 0.2000 StudentWeights.TimeOverlapFactor: 1.0000 StudentWeights.TimeOverlapMaxLimit: 0.5000 StudentWeights.TooEarlyFactor: 0.0500 StudentWeights.TooLateFactor: 0.0250 StudentWeights.TravelTimeFactor: 0.0010 StudentWeights.WorkDayFactor: 0.0100 Suggestions.MaxDepth: 4 Suggestions.MaxSuggestions: 20 Suggestions.Timeout: 1000 Termination.Class: org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.GeneralTerminationCondition Termination.StopWhenComplete: true Termination.TimeOut: 28800 TravelTime.MaxTravelGap: 12 Value.Class: org.cpsolver.studentsct.heuristics.EnrollmentSelection Value.WeightConflicts: 1.0 Value.WeightNrAssignments: 0.0 Variable.Class: org.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.GeneralVariableSelection WorkDay.EarlySlot: 102 WorkDay.LateSlot: 210 WorkDay.WorkDayLimit: 72 approve-enrollments.ExcludeLockedOfferings: false check-assignment.ExcludeLockedOfferings: false check-offering.ExcludeLockedOfferings: false eligibility.LockOfferings: false reject-enrollments.ExcludeLockedOfferings: false status-change.LockOfferings: false student-email.LockOfferings: false ] [07/25/19 21:05:49] INFO updater[Fal2010woebegon] -> 2010 Fal (woebegon) updater started. [07/25/19 21:05:49] INFO reload-all[Fal2010woebegon] -> Updating course infos and the student sectining model for session 2010 Fal (woebegon) [07/25/19 21:05:51] INFO reload-all[Fal2010woebegon] -> Update of session 2010 Fal (woebegon) done 1.1 seconds. [07/25/19 21:05:51] INFO server[Fal2010woebegon] -> Total Allocated 342.99 kB (of 423.98 MB), details: [ AbstractServer.iConfig: 13.56 kB (103 records) InMemoryServer.iCourseForId: 8.57 kB (21 records) InMemoryServer.iCourseForName: 11.85 kB (21 records) InMemoryServer.iExpectations: 12.55 kB (21 records) InMemoryServer.iOfferingRequests: 60.90 kB (21 records) InMemoryServer.iOfferingTable: 165.55 kB (21 records) InMemoryServer.iStudentTable: 67.66 kB (19 records) ] [07/25/19 21:05:51] INFO server[Fal2010woebegon] -> Executor is waiting for a new job... [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.ifs.termination.MPPTerminationCondition [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.TimetableComparator [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.ifs.algorithms.SimpleSearch [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO StandardNeighbourSelection -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO StandardNeighbourSelection -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO StandardNeighbourSelection -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.PlacementSelection [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO StandardNeighbourSelection -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.LectureSelection [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.coursett.heuristics.UniversalPerturbationsCounter [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ConflictStatistics [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Solver -> Using org.cpsolver.ifs.extension.ViolatedInitials [07/25/19 21:06:24] INFO Progress -> [Loading input data ...] [07/25/19 21:06:26] INFO Progress -> Using room availability that was updated on Thu Jul 25 21:06:26 IST 2019. [07/25/19 21:06:26] INFO Progress -> [Student Enrollments Check] [07/25/19 21:06:26] INFO Progress -> Model successfully loaded. [07/25/19 21:06:26] INFO Progress -> [Awaiting commands ...] [07/25/19 21:07:17] WARN PropertyMessageResources -> Resource messages_en_US.properties Not Found. [07/25/19 21:07:17] WARN PropertyMessageResources -> Resource messages_en.properties Not Found.

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

Such an error has not been reported to us before. I do not see any issues in the log.

What browser are you using? Do you see the same error when you open the online demo? Are you able to reproduce the problem in other browsers?

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

What browser are you using?

Chrome 75.0.3770.142

Do you see the same error when you open the online demo?

No. The Online demo is working perfectly.

Are you able to reproduce the problem in other browsers?

Yes. In all browser installed in my system (Opera and Edge), the same error is there. (I tried freshly installed browser and again with all extensions disabled in chrome, the error persists)

This is a screen shot of the chrome browser log is below, Full Chrome Browser Log is here. browser log

WARNING: Uncaught exception: TypeError: $wnd.unitime.runAsyncCallback7 is not a function
java.lang.NullPointerException: TypeError: $wnd.unitime.runAsyncCallback7 is not a function
    at Unknown.anonymous(http://localhost:8080/UniTime/unitime/deferredjs/B1C2752189CADF72E324D3918459ECAC/7.cache.js)

Is that of any help?

Is it possible that I deployed it wrongly? (copied some files multiple times?) How to remove UniTime alone and deploy it again? What are the files that I need to delete?

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

I am not able to reproduce the issue using JDK 12.0.2 and Apache Tomcat 8.5.43 in either Chrome 75.0.3770.142 or Firefox 68.0.1. I have tried both the official released UniTime 4.4.114 and the latest nightly build UniTime 4.4.117 that is currently used in the online demo. But I have a Mac. While most of our production installations (that we have worked closely with in the past) are using Linux-based machines, we have some Windows installations as well which as far as I know are working fine.

The TypeError error is in the GWT client-side JavaScript code that is produced by the GWT compiler from Java code. This makes it hard to debug or understand, especially since about 20 different permutations are being compiled (one for each supported browser and locale).

Are you using the official build of UniTime (downloaded from our nightly builds page, GitHub releases, or SourceForge releases) or did you build UniTime yourself?

UniTime can be redeployed by placing a new UniTime.war file in Tomcat\webapps (where Tomcat is something like C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5 on Windows). To ensure that any of the cached files are not reused, could you please try to: 1) stop the Apache Tomcat 2) in Tomcat\webapps, remove the UniTime folder and replace the existing UniTime.war with the new one 3) delete the content of Tomcat\work folder 4) start the Apache Tomcat

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

Are you using the official build of UniTime (downloaded from our nightly builds page, GitHub releases, or SourceForge releases) or did you build UniTime yourself?

I am using the official build of UniTime I downloaded from github. I tried 4.4.117 official nightly build, but same multiple menu problem persists.

Surprisingly I tried with UniTime 4.0 (no longer supported) version (Version 4.0.49 built on Wed, 24 Feb 2016) at https://builds.unitime.org/ and it worked very well.... :smile: :confetti_ball: I don't know why.:confused: Is it ok to continue to use it? Are there any serious bug or holes that I should be aware of? (any major changes that are not in current documentation?)

Is there anything else I can do to help you debug 4.4.114 and make it work in my system?

P.S: May I also ask, which is the oldest release of UniTime (if any) that can generate timetable with classes to availability of professors (i.e., no room constraints)?

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

UniTime 4.0 is using an older version of GWT (2.7.0, same as UniTime 4.1 and 4.2). Later versions use GWT 2.8.2. I am not aware of any serious bug/holes, but there have been some issues with the older versions of GWT on newer browsers or when deploying older versions of UniTime on a newer version of Apache Tomcat.

There have not been many changes in course timetabling since 4.0 except the solver pages having a newer look and a few additional features and some additional constraints in the solver. The page documentation for UniTime 4.0 is available at http://help40.unitime.org.

The course timetabling solver considers instructors and their preferences and requirements from the start. It is possible to ignore room constraints.

The ability to assign instructors to classes (instructor scheduling) has been added in UniTime 4.2.

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to update the UniTime eclipse help page with the latest details? I was trying to install the latest code, but got error, probably because i was using GWT 2.7.0 as specified in the help page. Is there anything else that has changed? It would be helpful if you could please update the screenshots there as well, as eclipse GUI has changed too (some options mentioned in the help page are not found). If i can successfully compile and run it, then i will try to debug this multiple-menu-problem in my system.

(PS: i closed the issue by mistake, sorry)

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

You need to use the same GWT version as is used in the version of UniTime you are working with. Otherwise, the setup is the same (except, you may need a newer version of eclipse, Apache Tomcat, etc.).

Please note that you do not need Eclipse to check out and build UniTime. See Building UniTime for more details.

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

I have some question regarding the usage of UniTime (how to do certain things, like changing the start time of the time grid etc.,) where can I ask them?

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

You can send your questions directly to us using the support@unitime.org email, or post them on the unitime-discuss forum.

jayarathina commented 5 years ago

unitime-discuss link forum says:

This group either doesn't exist, or you don't have permission to access it. If you're sure this group exists, contact the Owner of the group and ask them to give you access.

Can you please check it out? or do you need to add my email address to the forum so that I can ask question?

tomas-muller commented 5 years ago

Can you please check it out? or do you need to add my email address to the forum so that I can ask question?

Please try again.

jakobvj commented 4 years ago

@tomas-muller I just want to notice that I get the exact same issue with multiple items/menu/links etc Followed the installation guide on a Windows Server Tomcat 8.5 MySql Server 8

Skærmbillede 2019-10-03 kl  21 19 26

tomas-muller commented 4 years ago

I have still not been able to reproduce this problem. So far, it has only been reported on Windows and only with UniTime 4.4. I was told that UniTime 4.3 is working fine despite the same version of the GWT library (which is responsible for the menus etc.).

jakobvj commented 4 years ago

Yes, it do work with 4.3 :-)

tomas-muller commented 4 years ago

This problem should be fixed in UniTime 4.4.130 or later.