UnicornTranscoder / UnicornFFMPEG

Fake Plex Transcoder to get the arguments for FFMPEG
MIT License
97 stars 14 forks source link

pkg-fetch cannot be built for freebsd, time to switch from pkg-fetch for freebsd? #6

Open srappan opened 4 years ago

srappan commented 4 years ago

Unfortunatley, the project seems uninterested to support freebsd further, might be time to switch alternative for the pkg-fetch.

unicorn-ffmpeg@2.2.1 start /root/UnicornFFMPEG pkg . -o "bin/Plex Transcoder"

pkg@4.4.0 Fetching base Node.js binaries to PKG_CACHE_PATH fetched-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64 [ ] 0% Error! 404 Not Found https://github.com/zeit/pkg-fetch/releases/download/v2.6/uploaded-v2.6-node-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64 Asset not found by direct link: {"tag":"v2.6","name":"uploaded-v2.6-node-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64"} Not found in GitHub releases: {"tag":"v2.6","name":"uploaded-v2.6-node-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64"} Building base binary from source: built-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64 Cloning Node.js repository from GitHub... git [====================] 100% Checking out v10.15.3 Applying patches Compiling Node.js from sources... WARNING: failed to autodetect C++ compiler version (CXX=g++) WARNING: failed to autodetect C compiler version (CC=gcc) ERROR: No acceptable C compiler found! Please make sure you have a C compiler installed on your system and/or consider adjusting the CC environment variable if you installed it in a non-standard prefix. Error! Error: ./configure failed with code 1 at ChildProcess. (/root/UnicornFFMPEG/node_modules/pkg-fetch/lib-es5/spawn.js:68:23) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:259:5) npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2 npm ERR! unicorn-ffmpeg@2.2.1 start: pkg . -o "bin/Plex Transcoder" npm ERR! Exit status 2 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the unicorn-ffmpeg@2.2.1 start script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 1

Github Issues raised on pkg-fetch for this particular issue have gone unanswered

Maxou44 commented 4 years ago

Do you have ideas about pkg alternatives for freebsd?

Maxou44 commented 4 years ago

BTW it looks like a compilation issue on your side, try to install gcc / g++ / clang to build the package yourself

srappan commented 4 years ago
root@plex:~/UnicornFFMPEG # npm start

> unicorn-ffmpeg@2.2.1 start /root/UnicornFFMPEG
> pkg . -o "bin/Plex Transcoder"

> pkg@4.4.0
> Fetching base Node.js binaries to PKG_CACHE_PATH
  fetched-v10.15.3-freebsd-x64 [                    ] 0%
> Error! 404 Not Found
> Asset not found by direct link:
> Not found in GitHub releases:
> Building base binary from source:
> Cloning Node.js repository from GitHub...
  git                          [====================] 100%
> Checking out v10.15.3
> Applying patches
> Compiling Node.js from sources...
  gmake                        [                    ] 0%

Unfortunately now it just stalls. Hasn't progressed for over an hour.

Maxou44 commented 4 years ago

Maybe use docker could be a great solution for you ? 🥺

srappan commented 4 years ago

Possibly, but I actually couldn't find the docker version anywhere 😅

Maxou44 commented 4 years ago

A "real" docker support is planned in the roadmap 😅

srappan commented 4 years ago

Ah thats probably why haha

Maxou44 commented 4 years ago

You can try this one https://github.com/magn2o/unicorn-docker

srappan commented 4 years ago

Thanks! i'll give it ago. I think i'll leave this issue open, just so people don't get stuck on compiling like I did and smashing their heads against their desk till they get a concussion haha