UnicornTranscoder / UnicornLoadBalancer

MIT License
128 stars 16 forks source link

Support Channel ? #43

Open exilewolf opened 3 years ago

exilewolf commented 3 years ago


First off thanks for such an interesting project!

Is there a discord channel / forum for support for this project ? I have been trying for a day or two get this software up and running but so far no luck.

I have followed the configuration and I believe it is all correct however I am unable to get anything to transcode when ever I play something I just get a spinning wheel with no errors. Checking the Nginx access logs on the transcoder it looks like its not getting any requests from the load balancer.

The load balancer seems to be working as I can navigate plex etc. The Transcoders status page is working and displaying correctly and the transcoder has also been replaced..

I did see some talk of a .wiki for the whole project.. but I have not been able to find it.. ?

Any direction you could give would be really appreciated.

exilewolf commented 3 years ago

Is there anyway to see what transcoders are registered with the LB ?

Maxou44 commented 3 years ago

Add me on Discord Maxou44#5274 😊

Did you blocked the 32400 port on your server ? Can you share your configurations ?

exilewolf commented 3 years ago

Added! I did have that port blocked with the ufw firewall. I will give you more info on Discord, but I will post the fix here incase anyone else is interested or get stuck like I did. I did notice one thing I was using the latest version on Plex and I am not sure if that is an issue or not.

Maxou44 commented 3 years ago

If you use the latest Plex version did you update the configuration file of the transcoder to update build numbers ?

Feel free to send me informations on Discord 😉