Unidata / netcdf-cxx4

Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C++ libraries and utilities.
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install netcdfc success, but compile netcdfc++ fail #84

Open xuexl opened 4 years ago

xuexl commented 4 years ago

I install "netCDF4.7.3-NC4-64.exe", and download "netcdf-cxx4-4.3.1" release version.
then I create one test project in qt, write "vector dims;" , it is ok , but write "NcDim nd;" it is wrong, can not be compiled.
the error is " LNK2019: public: __cdecl netCDF::NcDim::NcDim(void) (??0NcDim@netCDF@@QEAA@XZ) " and other classes which in the "cxx4" folder have the same error. eg. NcFile, ncFloat ...

anybody can help me? thank you .