Unidata / netcdf-cxx4

Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C++ libraries and utilities.
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Building shared libraries on Windows is not possible #89

Open doedsjarl666 opened 4 years ago

doedsjarl666 commented 4 years ago

There is a problem with building shared libraries with Cmake on Windows. If BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is ON the following happens: netcdf-cxx4.dll, netcdf-cxx4.ilk, netcdf-cxx4.pbd are created bu netcdf-cxx4.lib is not, however in the macro add_bin_tests netcdf-cxx4.lib is specifically linked. The cause of the problem is that there are no exports specified in the sources for netcdf-cxx4 library thus VS does not create a import .lib library.

jokervTv commented 2 years ago

yeah, when I use dumpbin /exports .\netcdf-cxx4.lib to check, I get:

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.32.31329.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file .\netcdf-cxx4.lib

File Type: LIBRARY


          60 .CRT$XCU
         120 .bss
       19C58 .chks64
           4 .data
        1124 .data$r
        12BA .data$rs
      2BF8BC .debug$S
      45B11C .debug$T
        1CC4 .drectve
        4D1C .pdata
        20C0 .rdata
        55B0 .rdata$r
         264 .text$di
       300D2 .text$mn
        20A0 .text$x
          B4 .text$yd
           D .voltbl
        80CC .xdata
        1BA0 .xdata$x

no function exports.

So are there any plans to support it ?