Unidata / netcdf4-python

netcdf4-python: python/numpy interface to the netCDF C library
MIT License
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Segmentation fault when writing from multiple processes into memory #1320

Closed Paklgit closed 5 months ago

Paklgit commented 5 months ago

I encounter an segmentation fault when writing into a 100000x100000 variable of a file on memory (/tmp)

version: py-netcdf4-1.6.2 python: python-3.9.9 MPI: py-mpi4py-3.1.2

Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0x1a2473f8)
BFD: Dwarf Error: Can't find .debug_ranges section. (multiple times)
==== backtrace (tid:1515381) ====
 0 0x0000000000012cf0 __funlockfile()  :0
 1 0x000000000015cb90 shuffle_init.constprop.0()  fcoll_vulcan_file_write_all.c:0
 2 0x000000000015fbb1 mca_fcoll_vulcan_file_write_all()  ???:0
 3 0x00000000000d8189 mca_common_ompio_file_write_at_all()  ???:0
 4 0x00000000001b4407 mca_io_ompio_file_write_at_all()  ???:0
 5 0x00000000000ad7e8 PMPI_File_write_at_all()  ???:0
 6 0x000000000012e57c H5FD__mpio_write()  H5FDmpio.c:0
 7 0x000000000012b0be H5FD_write()  ???:0
 8 0x00000000001097c3 H5F__accum_write()  ???:0
 9 0x00000000002098db H5PB_write()  ???:0
10 0x000000000011411b H5F_block_write()  ???:0
11 0x00000000000dec6d H5D__mpio_select_write()  ???:0
12 0x00000000000d8516 H5D__final_collective_io()  H5Dmpio.c:0
13 0x00000000000d86d6 H5D__inter_collective_io()  H5Dmpio.c:0
14 0x00000000000ded89 H5D__contig_collective_write()  ???:0
15 0x00000000000d57b5 H5D__write()  ???:0
16 0x00000000000d5d32 H5Dwrite()  ???:0
17 0x00000000000b69b6 NC4_put_vars()  ???:0
18 0x00000000000b5c6a NC4_put_vara()  ???:0
19 0x0000000000045286 NC_put_vara()  dvarput.c:0
20 0x0000000000046512 nc_put_vara()  ???:0
21 0x000000000009e995 __pyx_pw_7netCDF4_8_netCDF4_8Variable_79_put()  _netCDF4.c:0
22 0x00000000000fe203 cfunction_call()  methodobject.c:0
23 0x0000000000028e64 __Pyx_PyObject_Call.constprop.0()  _netCDF4.c:0
24 0x0000000000121275 __pyx_pf_7netCDF4_8_netCDF4_8Variable_56__setitem__()  _netCDF4.c:0
25 0x000000000006b975 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()  ???:0
26 0x0000000000068f69 function_code_fastcall()  call.c:0
27 0x0000000000070716 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault()  ???:0
28 0x00000000001a499c _PyEval_EvalCode()  :0
29 0x00000000001a4e8e _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName()  ???:0
30 0x00000000001a4edb PyEval_EvalCodeEx()  ???:0
31 0x00000000001a4f0b PyEval_EvalCode()  ???:0
32 0x00000000001e63ae run_mod()  pythonrun.c:0
33 0x00000000001e7e71 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags()  ???:0
34 0x0000000000205d7f Py_RunMain()  ???:0
35 0x0000000000206247 Py_BytesMain()  ???:0
36 0x000000000003ad85 __libc_start_main()  ???:0
37 0x000000000040091e _start()  ???:0
srun: error: l10740: task 2: Segmentation fault
srun: Terminating StepId=10057766.38
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 10057766.38 ON l10740 CANCELLED AT 2024-04-28T14:54:06 ***
srun: error: l10740: tasks 0-1,3: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=10057766.38

The code was executed via srun -n 4 python script.py -s 1 --rows 100000 --cols 100000 -p z -m -f /file.nc It depends on how many processes are used, e.g. -n 1 or -n 32 raise no issues.

When I tried to reproduce the output in C I encountered a similar issue when creating the data. I could solve this by ensuring the datatype of the indexing variable would support large enough numbers (unsigned long or sth like that). As the code can be executed error-free with --rows 100000 --cols 20000 (<2147483647) but not with --rows 100000 --cols 30000 (>2147483647) I suspect an integer overflow happening here.

The segmentation fault does not occur when the line 191 (v[start_for_rank+steps[step]:start_for_rank+steps[step+1],:] = values[steps[step]:steps[step+1],:]) where the values are written into the netCDF variable is passed instead.


import time
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import argparse
import csv

rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank  # The process ID (integer 0-3 for 4-process run)
n_procs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.size  # The number of processes (integer 4 for 4-process run)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="testing the output of a netcdf file")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--info", action="store_true", help="1st row for table is printed, no computation")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--memory", action="store_true", help="file will be stored on memory disk")
parser.add_argument("--CR", help="path and name (path/name), exports the average compression ratio only, appending to csv")
parser.add_argument("--CS", help="path and name (path/name), exports the average compression speed only, appending to csv")
parser.add_argument("--WS", help="path and name (path/name), exports the average writing speed only, appending to csv")
parser.add_argument("--plotsize", help="path and name (path/name), exports the complete lists of filesizes")
parser.add_argument("--plottime", help="path and name (path/name), exports the complete lists of needed times")
parser.add_argument("--plotwspeeds", help="path and name (path/name), exports the complete lists of writing speeds")
parser.add_argument("--plotcspeeds", help="path and name (path/name), exports the complete lists of compression speeds")
parser.add_argument("--plotcratios", help="path and name (path/name), exports the complete lists of compression ratios")
parser.add_argument("--independent", action="store_true", help="tasks will perform outout independently (only non-compressed variable)")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepath", help="path and name (path/name.nc) of the saved netCDF4 file", default="/scratch/b/b382462/test_file.nc")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--samplesize", help="sample size, how often a new netCDF4 file is created for measurement", type=int ,default=10)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--timesteps", help="number of divided sections appended successively (per rank)", type=int ,default=1)
parser.add_argument("--rows", help="number of array rows", type=int, default=100000)
parser.add_argument("--cols", help="number of array columns", type=int, default=100000)
parser.add_argument("--divcol", action="store_true", help="divide the columns onto the processes, rows are used by default")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--datatype", help="datatype of variables", default="np.float32")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", help="pattern of the array variable", default="random")
parser.add_argument("--chunks", help="chunksizes", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--compression", help="compression algorithm/compressor")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--complevel", help="compression level", type=int, default=4)
parser.add_argument("--shuffle", help="HDF5 shuffle filter (only applied if zlib compressor is used)", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--bloscshuffle", help="0 (no shuffle), 1 (byte-wise shuffle) or 2 (bit-wise shuffle) (only applied if blosc compressor is used)", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], default=2)
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.memory:
    file_path = "/tmp/" + args.filepath.rsplit('/',1)[1]
    file_path = args.filepath

columns = args.cols
rows = args.rows

if args.chunks == None:
    chunks = None
    chunks = (args.chunks, )

if args.divcol:
    start_for_rank = int((columns * rank)/np.double(n_procs))
    end_for_rank = int((columns * (rank + 1))/np.double(n_procs))
    length_for_rank = end_for_rank - start_for_rank
    start_for_rank = int((rows * rank)/np.double(n_procs))
    end_for_rank = int((rows * (rank + 1))/np.double(n_procs))
    length_for_rank = end_for_rank - start_for_rank

floats = ["float", "floats", "float32", "floats32", "f"]
ints = ["int", "ints", "int32", "ints32", "i"]

if args.datatype in floats:
    datatype = np.float32
elif args.datatype in ints:
    datatype = np.int32
    datatype = np.float32

array_size = np.dtype(datatype).itemsize * columns * rows

zeros = ["zero", "zeros", "0", "z"]
increasing = ["increasing", "growing", "rising", "incr", "grow", "i", "g"]
random = ["random", "rand", "r"]
thousands = ["thousands", "1000", "t"]
samples = ["pr", "tas"]

sample_size = args.samplesize

def get_zeros(height, width, datatype):
    return np.zeros((height, width), dtype=datatype), "zeros"

def get_thousands(height, width, datatype):
    return np.full((height, width), 1000, dtype=datatype), "thousands"

def get_increasing(height, width, datatype):
    value_row = np.arange(0, width, dtype=datatype)
    return np.tile(value_row, (height, 1)), "increasing"

def get_random01(height, width):
    return np.random.random(height*width).reshape((height, width)), "random01"

def get_random02(height, width):
    return np.random.randint(0, high=1000, size=height*width).reshape((height, width)), "random02"

def get_sample(name, height, width, offset, start):
    nc = Dataset(filename = "/home/b/b382462/sample_data/" + name + ".nc", mode = 'r', format='NETCDF4', parallel=n_procs>1, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD,
    sample_height = len(nc[name])
    sample_width = len(nc[name][0])
    startrow = offset+start
    if startrow%sample_height + height <= sample_height and width <= sample_width:
        values = nc[name][startrow%sample_height:startrow%sample_height+height,0:width]
    elif width > sample_width:
        values = np.empty((height, width), dtype = np.float32)
        if height < sample_height:
            if startrow%sample_height + height < sample_height:
                values[:,0:sample_width] = nc[name][startrow%sample_height:startrow%sample_height+height,0:width]
                values[0:sample_height-startrow%sample_height,0:sample_width] = nc[name][startrow%sample_height:sample_height,0:sample_width]
                values[sample_height-startrow%sample_height:height,0:sample_width] = nc[name][0:height-(sample_height-startrow%sample_height),0:sample_width]
            values[0:sample_height-startrow%sample_height,0:sample_width] = nc[name][startrow%sample_height:sample_height,0:sample_width]
            values[sample_height-startrow%sample_height:sample_height,0:sample_width] = nc[name][0:startrow%sample_height,0:sample_width]
        current_width = sample_width
        while current_width + sample_width < width:
            values[0:sample_height,current_width:current_width + sample_width] = values[0:sample_height,current_width - sample_width:current_width]
            current_width += sample_width
        for x in range(current_width, width):
            values[0:sample_height,x] = values[0:sample_height,x-sample_width]
        current_height = sample_height
        while current_height + sample_height < height:
            values[current_height:current_height + sample_height,0:width] = values[current_height - sample_height:current_height,0:width]
            current_height += sample_height
        for y in range(current_height, height):
            values[y,0:width] = values[y-sample_height,0:width]
        print('Bad Array shape for sample input')
    return values, name

def createFile(sample):
    global datatype
    global pattern 
    pattern = args.pattern
    # zeros
    if pattern.lower() in zeros:
        values, pattern = get_zeros(length_for_rank, columns, datatype)
    # thousands
    elif pattern.lower() in thousands:
        values, pattern = get_thousands(length_for_rank, columns, datatype)
    # growing Integers
    elif pattern.lower() in increasing:
        values, pattern = get_increasing(length_for_rank, columns, datatype)
    # Random Numbers
    elif pattern.lower() in random:
        if datatype == np.float32:
            values, pattern = get_random01(length_for_rank, columns)
        elif datatype == np.int32:
            values, pattern = get_random02(length_for_rank, columns)
    elif pattern == "random01":
        datatype = np.float32
        values, pattern = get_random01(length_for_rank, columns)
    elif pattern == "random02":
        datatype = np.int32
        values, pattern = get_random02(length_for_rank, columns)
    elif pattern == "pr":
        values, pattern = get_sample("pr", length_for_rank, columns, sample, start_for_rank)
    elif pattern == "tas":
        values, pattern = get_sample("tas", length_for_rank, columns, sample, start_for_rank)
    # Random Numbers if nothing else specified
        datatype = np.float32
        values, pattern = get_random01(length_for_rank, columns)

    timesteps = args.timesteps
    steps = []
    for step in range (timesteps):
        steps.append(int((length_for_rank * step)/np.double(timesteps)))

    if rank == 0:
        start_time = time.time()
    nc = Dataset(filename = file_path, mode = 'w', format='NETCDF4', parallel=n_procs>1, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD,
    y = nc.createDimension('height', rows)
    x = nc.createDimension('width', columns)
    v = nc.createVariable('var', datatype, (y,x), 
                          compression=args.compression, complevel=args.complevel, shuffle=args.shuffle, blosc_shuffle=args.bloscshuffle, chunksizes=chunks)

    if n_procs > 1:
        if args.independent and args.compression == None:

    for step in range (timesteps):
        v[start_for_rank+steps[step]:start_for_rank+steps[step+1],:] = values[steps[step]:steps[step+1],:]


    if rank == 0:
        end_time = time.time()
        filesize = os.stat(file_path).st_size
        return end_time - start_time, filesize
    return 0, 0

if not args.info:
    needed_times = []
    filesizes = []
    for sample in range (sample_size):
        current_time, current_filesize = createFile(sample)
    avg_time = sum(needed_times)/sample_size
    avg_filesize = sum(filesizes)/sample_size

# print row: number of tasks, average time needed for output (s), arraysize (uncompressed, Megabytes), average filesize (Megabytes), compression ratio, Speed (MB/s)
if rank == 0:
    if args.memory:
        target = "memory\n"
        target = "Lustre\n"
    if args.compression == None:
        compression = "None"
        compression = args.compression + '(' + str(args.complevel) + ';' + str(args.bloscshuffle) + ')'
    if args.info:
        print("number of processes,average time needed[s],variablesize,datatype,pattern,arraysize[MB],average filesize[MB],compressor(complevel;shuffle),CR,CS[MB/s],WS[MB/s],location")
        result = (n_procs, avg_time, rows*columns, datatype.__name__, pattern, array_size/1000000, avg_filesize/1000000, compression, array_size/avg_filesize, array_size*sample_size/sum(needed_times)/1000000, sum(filesizes)/sum(needed_times)/1000000, target)
        print(str(n_procs) + ',' + str(round(avg_time, 3)) + ','+ str(columns) + 'x' + str(rows) + ',' + datatype.__name__ + ',' + pattern + ',' + str(round(array_size/1000000, 3)) + ',' + str(round(avg_filesize/1000000, 3)) + ',' + compression + ',' + str(round(array_size/avg_filesize, 3)) + ',' + str(round(array_size*sample_size/sum(needed_times)/1000000, 3)) + ','+ str(round(sum(filesizes)/sum(needed_times)/1000000, 3)) + ',' + target)
        if args.plottime != None:
            with open(args.plottime, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
        if args.plotwspeeds != None:
            with open(args.plotwspeeds, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                writer.writerow(np.divide(np.divide(filesizes,needed_times), float(1000000)))
        if args.plotsize != None:
            with open(args.plotsize, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
        if args.plotcspeeds != None:
            with open(args.plotcspeeds, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                writer.writerow(np.divide(np.divide(np.full(sample_size, array_size),needed_times), float(1000000)))
        if args.plotcratios != None:
            with open(args.plotcratios, 'w') as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                writer.writerow(np.divide(np.full(sample_size, array_size),filesizes))
        if args.CR != None:
            with open(args.CR, 'a') as f:
                f.write(str(result[8]) + ',')
        if args.CS != None:
            with open(args.CS, 'a') as f:
                f.write(str(result[9]) + ',')
        if args.WS != None:
            with open(args.WS, 'a') as f:
                f.write(str(result[10]) + ',')
jswhit commented 5 months ago

can you clarify what you mean by "The segmentation fault does not occur when the line 191 (v[start_for_rank+steps[step]:start_for_rank+steps[step+1],:] = values[steps[step]:steps[step+1],:]) where the values are written into the netCDF variable is passed instead."?

Paklgit commented 5 months ago

I mean to use literally pass inside of the loop instead. I just wanted to make clear that the fault is happening inside of this line of my script and not elsewhere.

jswhit commented 5 months ago

netcdf4-python (and netcdf-c) uses size_t for array indices. I wonder if size_t is 32 bits on your platform?

Paklgit commented 5 months ago

Well, this could be possible, but it seems strange to me that there is a different behavior when using a different number of mpi processes. Nonetheless it still might be an issue on my platform/setup. The output is performed for testing purposes, so it is noncritical as it is not a common use case.

Paklgit commented 5 months ago

I could reproduce the error in C, same behavior. The segmentation fault only occurs for certain process numbers. size_t is stored in 64 bits on my system. Whatever is happening, it is not about netcdf4-python though.

jswhit commented 5 months ago

ok thanks for confirming that @Paklgit. Closing now, but feel free to reopen if need be.