Open kunalbali opened 7 years ago
I don't have time to read through all your code to try to figure out what you are asking. Can you please distill this down to a simple question and/or problem?
Note that unsigned integer types are not allowed in the classic netcdf format (NETCDF3*, and NETCDF4_CLASSIC). You need to use NETCDF4 when using unsigned integer types.
I also did that. I changed NETCDF3 TO NETCDF4. But I was still getting the same errors. Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: LST will be written as type short
I have one python script for converting HDF4 to netcdf and then extracting the desired variable from the file. It is running well with MODIS-Terra L2 HDF4 for aerosols and clouds datasets. But giving errors for land surface temp data.
One problem is mentioned above. 2nd one is not reading longitude and latitude variable and showing
File "/home/kunal/mishra_sir/", line 88, in
The temperature data is in 2D and aerosols and clouds data are in Geo2D.
Where does the error message "Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: LST will be written as type shor" come from? It is being emitted when you read the HDF data or when you attempt to write the netcdf data?
lonin = ncfile.variables['longitude'][:] KeyError: 'longitude'
means that the variable 'longitude' does not exist.
I am getting these error messeges while writing the netcdf data.
And the file having the Longitude variable. float Latitude(Coarse_swath_lines_5km=406, Coarse_swath_pixels_5km=271); :long_name = "Latitude of every 5 scan lines and 5 pixels"; :units = "degrees_north"; float Longitude(Coarse_swath_lines_5km=406, Coarse_swath_pixels_5km=271); :long_name = "Longitude of every 5 scan lines and 5 pixels"; :units = "degrees_east";
but still showing lonin = ncfile.variables['Longitude'][:] KeyError: 'Longitude'
I have one file of MODIS-Terra Level-2 MOD11_L2.A2003090.0450.006.2015187194709.hdf This file related to the land surface temperature (LST).
I need to convert this file into netCDF using python script with NCL. But it is not converting and giving the following errors Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: LST will be written as type short Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: QC will be written as type short Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: Error_LST will be written as type byte Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: Emis_31 will be written as type byte Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: Emis_32 will be written as type byte Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: View_angle will be written as type byte Classic mode NetCDf does not support unsigned integer types: View_time will be written as type byte Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kunal/mishra_sir/", line 88, in
lonin = ncfile.variables['Longitude'][:]
KeyError: 'Longitude'
But when I am running the same script for another MODIS-Terra L2 file (aerosol and cloud product), then it is easily converting and extracting variables in netcdf format.
The LST file data is in 2D and the aerosol and cloud file data all in Geo2D. So, could you please let me know how to convert 2D to Geo2D in this script.
For converting and extracting variable from hdf to netcdf I am using
-- coding: utf-8 --
from pylab import * import numpy as np import from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date, date2num from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date import subprocess import sys
def substring_after(s, delim): return s.partition(delim)[2]
def make_bounds2D(datain):
calculates the netcdf bounds
filename = sys.argv[1] variable = sys.argv[2] hdfpath = sys.argv[3] netcdfpath = sys.argv[4]
get date information from filename
year =,'.A')[0:4]) dayofyear =,'.A')[4:7]) hour =,'.A')[8:10]) minute =,'.A')[10:12])
filedate = date.fromordinal(date(year,1,1).toordinal() +[14:17]) - 1)
how to use e.g.:
python MOD04_L2.A2012313.0545.006.2015064062534 Deep_Blue_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_550_Land inputpath outputpath
first create a netcdf file using ncl'ncl_convert2nc '+filename+'.hdf -i '+\ hdfpath+' -o '+netcdfpath,shell=True)
rename the file for temp use'mv '+netcdfpath+filename+'.nc '+\ netcdfpath+filename+'',shell=True)
Open the file for reading
ncfile = Dataset(netcdfpath+filename+'','r')
read in the longitudes
lonin = ncfile.variables['Longitude'][:]
read in the latitudes
latin = ncfile.variables['Latitude'][:]
read in the actual variable
varin = ncfile.variables[variable][:]
Close the file
remove temp file'rm '+netcdfpath+filename+'',shell=True)
Calculate bounds
lonbmap = make_bounds2D(lonin) latbmap = make_bounds2D(latin)
Open the file for writing
ncout = Dataset(netcdfpath+filename+'.nc', 'w', format="netCDF4")
create dimensions
time = ncout.createDimension("time", 1) # only one time step per file lon = ncout.createDimension("lon", np.shape(varin)[1]) lat = ncout.createDimension("lat", np.shape(varin)[0]) nv = ncout.createDimension("nv", 4) # for grid corners
create coordinate variables
times = ncout.createVariable("time","f8",("time",)) latitudes = ncout.createVariable("latitude","f8",("lat","lon",)) longitudes = ncout.createVariable("longitude","f8",("lat","lon",)) lat_bnds = ncout.createVariable("lat_bnds","f8",("lat","lon","nv",)) lon_bnds = ncout.createVariable("lon_bnds","f8",("lat","lon","nv",))
actual variable
varout = ncout.createVariable(variable,"f8",("time","lat","lon",))
create unit and attributes for all variables
ncout.description = "Read MODIS Terra data" ncout.source = "NPL-Kunal Bali"
times.units = "hours since 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0" times.calendar = "gregorian"
latitudes.units = "degrees_north" longitudes.units = "degrees_east" latitudes.bounds = "lat_bnds" longitudes.bounds = "lon_bnds"
varout.units = "" varout.long_name = "LST"
varout.coordinates = "latitude longitude" varout.fillvalue = "-9.e+33" varout.missing_value = "-9.e+33"
write data to variables
dates = [datetime(filedate.year,filedate.month,,hour,minute)] times[:] = date2num(dates,units=times.units,calendar=times.calendar)
longitudes [:,:] = lonin [:,:] latitudes [:,:] = latin [:,:] lon_bnds [:,:,:] = lonbmap [:,:,:] lat_bnds [:,:,:] = latbmap [:,:,:]
actual variable
varout[0,:,:] = varin[:,:]
Close the file