Closed weather01089 closed 4 years ago
Are you able to attach the file here for others to inspect?
the netcdf file is fine, its being read by another program fine. ncdump also displays the appropriate data.
If you hope to get help here, you need to share the file, so that further debugging can happen. There is likely some subtle quirk with the file that needs review.
I can download one, that one is now gone, deleted. I ran the program again and Ill grab a file
the netcdf wont copy/paste you want the python code?
from satpy.utils import debug_on debug_on() def humanize_time(secs): mins, secs = divmod(secs, 60) hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60) return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins, secs) import dask from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool dask.config.set(pool=ThreadPool(8)) import os import sys os.environ['PYTROLL_CHUNK_SIZE']='1312' os.environ['DASK_NUM_WORKERS']='8' os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']='4' os.chdir('/home/awips/data') os.environ['PPP_CONFIG_DIR']='/root/pytroll/lib/python2.7/site-packages/satpy' os.environ['GDAL_CACHEMAX']='15%' import time start_time = time.time() from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar from numpy import loadtxt if name == 'main': from satpy import Scene from glob import glob from satpy import MultiScene import subprocess sector=sys.argv[1] product=sys.argv[2] sectordef=sys.argv[3] sectorfile='/home/awips/commands/sectors/sectordef'+sectordef sectorcmd='/home/awips/commands/satpycommands/satcat '+sectordef print ('getting filename') scriptname='/home/awips/commands/satpycommands/testls'+sector scriptname=scriptname+'1' latlon = loadtxt(sectorfile, delimiter=" ", unpack=False) print (type(latlon)) print(latlon) latlon=list(latlon) print(latlon) print (type(latlon)) ll_bbox=latlon tempfile='/tmp/Conus' result6 = subprocess.check_output(scriptname) fp=open(tempfile,"r") filename4=fp.readline() fp.close() print ('File output=',filename4) print (type (filename4)) print (product) filename4 = filename4.replace("'", "").split(",")
print ('File length=') print (len(filename4)) print(type(filename4)) print (filename4[0]) print(os.path.isfile(filename4[0])) print(os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(filename4[0]))) import netCDF4 print(netCDF4._netCDF4) import subprocess print(type(filename4[0])) print (filename4[0]) netCDF4.Dataset(filename4[0], 'r') mscn = Scene(filename4, reader='abi_l1b')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/awips/commands/satpycommands/", line 74, in
If the file is small, you can zip it and attach it to the issue.
To rule out some kind of a conflict in the C extension modules being imported in your script, can you try opening the file in a separate, standalone script that only imports netCDF4?
Ill do that in the meantime, here is the zip
With only os and netCDF4 imported (had to open a file to read the filename), it did NOT error. Ray
No problem opening it here. There must be an import conflict. I would suggest importing netCDF4 first in your script. A similar issue was reported earlier - the conflict was caused by different modules linking different versions of the netCDF4/HDF5 libraries.
The other option is to rebuilding the offending modules locally making sure they link the same libraries.
Indeed there was in issue, with debug!
with it off, netcdf is fine. Thanks!
The import alone made netcdf4 fail
netcdf4 errors out passing filename from python script. variable is filename4, 16 members, fails on all. a command line ncdump is fine this is the code: print(os.path.isfile(filename4[0])) print(os.path.isfile(os.path.realpath(filename4[0]))) print(type(filename4[0])) print (filename4[0]) netCDF4.Dataset(filename4[0], 'r') result: True True <class 'str'> /home/awips/data/
OSError: [Errno -101] NetCDF: HDF error: b'/home/awips/data/'
ncdump on the file from within the program works.
Suggestions? Thanks, Ray