Uninett / zino

Zino 2.0 - Network state monitor for research networks
Apache License 2.0
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IP adresses moving continuously between routers (VRRP) #215

Open runborg opened 2 months ago

runborg commented 2 months ago

VRRP and EVPN Virtual Gateway are features used while creating mult-router local gateway redundancy on a single "LAN", The shared ip address used on this gateway pair is then owned by all the routers in the pair. In the current implementation of new zino2, these adresses will move between the routers each time a router is "rediscovered" In normal circumstances a router will never source any traffic from this virtual ip address An example of this is following under here:

(Anonymized data)
--> $ cat log | grep -i "home of" | cut -c 66- | sort | uniq -c
    336 Home of changed from router-gw1 to router-gw2
    335 Home of changed from router-gw2 to router-gw1
    336 Home of changed from router-gw1 to router-gw2
    335 Home of changed from router-gw2 to router-gw1
    885 Home of changed from router-gw1 to router-gw2
    886 Home of changed from router-gw2 to router-gw1
    370 Home of changed from router-gw1 to router-gw2
    371 Home of changed from router-gw2 to router-gw1

Is it possible to ignore these "virtual" ip adresses, or allow them to exist on both routers at the same time?

(This is just one of several reasons for these type of messages in our network, and i'm investigating more instances of it)