Scenario with an offer request based on a trip specification for two passengers, booking request based on the response of the offer response. The booking will be fulfilled with status confirmed. The trip is based on a single outbound leg
Generate and send a post offer request with a trip specification for two anonymousPassengers aged 30 and 40
One anonymousPassengerSpecification has externalRef = “PAX1”and age “40”, the other one has externalRef = “PAX2” and age “30”
One offers with two admissions with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL”
Each admission has a reference to different anonymousPassengerSpecifications
One trip with the specified leg is returned
Two passengers returned
One passenger has externalRef = “PAX1”and age “40”, the other one has externalRef = “PAX2” and age “30”
Alt1: One bookedOffer with two admissions with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL” and
appliedPassengers.type = “ADULT”
Alt2: Two bookedOffers with one admission with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL” and
appliedPassengers.type = “ADULT”
One trip with one leg is returned
bookedOffers.admissions.tripCoverage.coveredTripId refers to the delivered trip
bookings.provisionalPrice = sum (bookedOffers.admissios.price.amount)
bookings.createdOn is set
confirmationTimeLimit > now()
status on all offerPart is “PREBOOKED”
two fulfillments created (one for each passenger)
controlNumber is set in each fulfillmet with different values
fulfilments.bookingRefs points out the bookingId from stage 2
fulfilments.bookingParts points out two different admissions (one for each passenger)
Two passengers returned
One passenger has externalRef = “PAX1”and age “40”, the other one has externalRef = “PAX2” and age “30”
Alt1: One bookedOffer with two admissions with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL”
Alt2: Two bookedOffers with one admission with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL”
One trip with one leg is returned
bookedOffers.admissions.tripCoverage.coveredTripId refers to the delivered trip
bookings.provisionalPrice = 0
bookings.confirmedPrice = sum (bookedOffers.admissios.price.amount)
Put in priority 2 as the main priority is to deliver the scope of functionnalities on a 1 PAX_1 Leg type of offer first before managing more complex cases
Scenario with an offer request based on a trip specification for two passengers, booking request based on the response of the offer response. The booking will be fulfilled with status confirmed. The trip is based on a single outbound leg
Example data
Suggested Validations per step
appliedPassengers.type = “ADULT” Alt2: Two bookedOffers with one admission with offerMode = “INDIVIDUAL” and
appliedPassengers.type = “ADULT”