UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer / OSDM

Projects related to an open sales & distribution API for public transportation.
Apache License 2.0
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Align the partial offers approach #442

Open nixxus1030 opened 6 months ago

nixxus1030 commented 6 months ago

As a consumer of OSDM endpoints, I would prefer to always have in offers and bookings trips covering my complete request, and offers always covering a complete trip, with the provider taking care of the combination logic.

If some OSDM providers wanted to provide partial offers & clustering, where different parts of the trip are covered by different offers, to avoid deciding on the combination logic (either for ease of implementation, or for maximum consumer freedom), then I want that these providers all follow the same mechanisms and rules so that I don't have to make my implementation provider dependent (main objective of OSDM).

In the discussion, I also want clarity on whether a provider is allowed to split trips in the booking so they match the coverage of the respective partial offers selected.

Finally, I want clarity on whether a provider is allowed to provide a partial offer covering only a part of the requested trip or section

CGantert345 commented 2 months ago

Partial Offers:

Selections on an Offer: