UnionInternationalCheminsdeFer / OSDM

Projects related to an open sales & distribution API for public transportation.
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Gap in OJP: Service attributes "breake" en route #543

Open Azurab opened 2 months ago

Azurab commented 2 months ago

Current Trip model doesn't support change of productCategory aka. serviceBrand and/or train number (vehicleNumber) (real e.g. https://rozklad-pkp.pl/pl/ti?trainlink=42327/450829/702098/336940/51&ld=mobil&seqnr=2&ident=4h.048964433.1715753445&date=15.05.24&station_evaId=5100067&station_type=dep&journeyStartIdx=2&journeyEndIdx=12&backLink=tp&, sorry for "broken" link, but can't help) in one tripLeg. A change of the train number on intermediate stations may be a Polish concept, but I am sure that a change of the serviceBrand is typical in Europ, not to mention the general attributes of the Trip. It also sticks to TripSpecification (OfferCollectionRequest). BTW, GTFS and HAFAS files fully covers such cases.

jspetrak commented 2 months ago

@Azurab Could you please provide screenshot of that search result so we can better understand that concept and possibly look for such concept in the OJP specification we adhere to? Thank you.

Azurab commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, the link has expired. Please find the relevant screen in the attachment. IC EC GEDANIA details

schlpbch commented 2 months ago

reached out to PKP

CGantert345 commented 1 month ago

Proposal: use LegAttribute and service brand as a LegAttribute.code.

same procedure for: