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Simu5G - 5G NR and LTE/LTE-A user-plane simulation model for OMNeT++ & INET
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How can I get eNodeB's id? #107

Closed joahannes closed 1 year ago

joahannes commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

How can a UE know the id of the eNodeB it is connected to? Also, can a server know which eNodeB a packet was sent from?

Which way should I go to get the id of the eNodeB both by the UE and by a Server?


SawadaSyahmi commented 1 year ago

You can set the eNB cell id by

*.enb1.masterId = 1
*.enb2.masterId = 2

note that you can change the enb* name based on your configuration in the NED file

and connect the UE's NIC to the corresponding serving eNB via *.ue[*].masterId = 1

the connection from the server to the enB can be define in the ned file such:

server.pppg++ <--> Eth10G <--> router.pppg++;
router.pppg++ <--> Eth10G <--> upf.filterGate;
upf.pppg++ <--> Eth10G <--> eNB.ppp;

Hope this helps.

joahannes commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the answer.

In my case, I want to collect this information at simulation time (on the fly). If a handover happens and eNodeB changes, I need to know the ID of the new eNodeB serving this UE.

Is it possible?

joahannes commented 1 year ago

Hello @SawadaSyahmi,

I managed to get this information using a snippet of code present in apps/d2dMultihop/MultihopD2D.cc:

// get references to LTE entities ltePhy_ = check_and_cast<LtePhyBase*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule("cellularNic")->getSubmodule("phy")); LteMacBase* mac = check_and_cast<LteMacBase*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule("cellularNic")->getSubmodule("mac")); lteNodeId_ = mac->getMacNodeId(); lteCellId_ = mac->getMacCellId();

In this way, I can obtain the ID of the eNodeB that is serving the UE.