Unipisa / Simu5G

Simu5G - 5G NR and LTE/LTE-A user-plane simulation model for OMNeT++ & INET
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<!> Error: Address contains no value #189

Open alemilan opened 7 months ago

alemilan commented 7 months ago

Hi there, how''s doing?

I'm using a Python code to run several Multicell_Standalone modified simulation with a Ns2MotionMobility model (Cmdenv). Each simulation round creates a mobility.traceFile before run the omnetpp.ini file. For any reason, I got the following error:

<!> Error: Address contains no value

The problem is that the error described above apears in specific simulation round. For example: If I have to simulate 10 times(with 10 diferent Ns2MotionMobility tracefile) one of then will show up this error. However, if I use the same tracefile and run over a Qtenv, the simulation works fine.

I saw some closed issues (like this one), but I'm using omnetpp 6.0.1, inet 4.5 and Simu5G 1.2.2, so the HostAutoConfigurator is already updated.

As I'm new on Simu5G (and omnetpp as well) I don't known if there is a workaround for this issue or another way to run several simulations (Cmdenv) with live tracefile creation.

I'm attaching the mobility_ant.mob.txt, the omnetp.ini.txt file and the Multicell_Graphdsr.ned.txt.

By the way, the python command to run the simulation is:

    os.system(f'opp_run -m -n ../../../emulation:../..:../../../src:../../../../inet4.5/examples:../../../../inet4.5/showcases:../../../../inet4.5/'
              f'src:../../../../inet4.5/tests/validation:../../../../inet4.5/tests/networks:../../../../inet4.5/tutorials '
              f'-image-path=../../../images:../../../../inet4.5/images -l ../../../src/simu5g -l ../../../../inet4.5/src/INET '
              f'omnetpp.ini -c CBR-DL_UL -u Cmdenv --sim-time-limit={simTime}s')

Any needed file I'm here. Thankyou so much in advance

alemilan commented 7 months ago

Just an update:

I've tried to simulate over Qtenv with mobility_ant.mob.txt mobility.trace. If I "run with full animation (F5)" there is no error, if I use "fast run: no animation, rare inspector updates (F6)" the error appear as follows:


mahbub-iut commented 5 months ago

Just to add to this issue. I have simulated a scenario involving 13 gNODEBs and with the recent version of Simu5G and INET I found the same error while I was trying to send messages from MEC to the cars

alemilan commented 4 months ago

Just an update, maybe it could help you @mahbub-iut . I was investigating this issue and I've done some steps, and I guess I found the error. On a fresh new Ubuntu 20.04 installation, I installed omnetpp 6.0. Using inet 4.4, the first version with the adjustment on HostAutoConfigurator, and Simu5G 1.2.1, I used standalone_multicell omnetpp.ini file and CBR-DL scenario as a base, and made these cumulative steps:

  1. Changed the ' .server.app[].sampling_time ' to 0.002s - Worked
  2. Increased the number of users, consequently, the number of server apps, to 19 - Worked
  3. Increased the number of enbs, to 6 enbs - Worked
  4. Changed the carrier frequency to 3.5 - Worked
  5. Changed the mobility model of one user to Ns2MotionMobility, the others with StationaryMobility - Didn't work

First I thought it could be the mix of mobility models, so I changed back to StationaryMobility, however, I saw that the Multicell_Graphdsr gnb was the exactly gnb where the user was connected, and probably was going to disconnect due to SINR. So anyway the user losses his connection to the network. So I create an x2ppp0 from each gnb to all other, ex: gnb 5 connects to gnb 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 via x2ppp0. After this modification the simulation worked very well, even on newer versions of omnetpp, inet an Simu5g. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if the correct configuration is to create de x2ppp0 application from each enb to all others, but somehow without this the error occurs.

Hope this works for you.