UniqueNetwork / substrapunks

Substrate based remake of CryptoPunks game
178 stars 74 forks source link

funds lost and Error occured when buying a punk with stash account #9

Open genjurosama opened 3 years ago

genjurosama commented 3 years ago

I just Lost 1.122 KSM after purchasing a subtra Punk , After validating the transaction on my ledger , it said "something went wrong" and My balance got deducted. And I don't own the NFT. Here is the link to the transaction https://polkascan.io/kusama/transaction/0xab87231a2401365e2a4ed8d4fb28b3c43bfe5605553aa7c29e6d091e2ff04d24

And here is the link to the NFT I attempted to purchase : https://ipfs-gateway.usetech.com/ipns/QmaMtDqE9nhMX9RQLTpaCboqg7bqkb6Gi67iCKMe8NDpCE/details.html?id=3020

The account I purchased from was a stash account with some of the funds bonded in staking, but I had sufficient unbonded funds to buy.

Is there Any way I can recover my funds or at least get the ownership of the punk ?

DJdaSilva commented 3 years ago

Hey genjurosama!

I had the same issue, I think it is the wallet type you select in the wallet plugin.

I set mine to any network and refreshed and things seemed to eventually come right. Also there is a link that isn't obvious you can access to process refund: https://ipfs-gateway.usetech.com/ipns/QmaMtDqE9nhMX9RQLTpaCboqg7bqkb6Gi67iCKMe8NDpCE/ksmreturn.html

Once the website sees the correct wallet address you should be good to go. Note the wallet it resolves on website is probably different to the one you have selected in plugin. I assume you're using same as me polkadot{.js} extension.

You can change wallet to be NFT test net using the plugin. I think you may have to refresh metadata on the plugin here: https://uniqueapps.usetech.com/

I'm not 100% clear how it all works but I had same experience and hope advice helps but let me know!

DJdaSilva commented 3 years ago

See my issue here: https://github.com/usetech-llc/substrapunks/issues/8 I mentioned I fiddled a little with HTML. In hindsight I think it probably wasn't necessary you should be ok just changing wallet correctly and doing some refreshes and stuff :)