Uniswap / deploy-v3

CLI to deploy Uniswap V3 to any Ethereum compatible network
GNU General Public License v3.0
111 stars 120 forks source link

Contract not validated on etherscan #14

Open OrphicProject opened 1 year ago

OrphicProject commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I keep getting problem where some of the contracts (Library NFTDescriptor, Contract NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor, and Contract SwapRouter02) aren't getting verified on etherscan should I just verify the contracts manually? Also, I'm only getting 13 transactions total when the documentation said there should be up to 14 transactions is that something I need to worry about? All of the steps are getting completed without any errors when I deploy. Thanks

OrphicProject commented 1 year ago

Need to learn how to read more thoroughly lol figured out how to verify the contracts and was able to verify one off them however, for the contracts (NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor and SwapRouter02) they require constructor arguments and I'm not completely sure how I'm supposed to get them- for NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor I need WETH9 address which I have and "nativeCurrencyLabelBytes" which im not sure what that is and how to find it for Goerli and for- SwapRouter02 I need address address _factoryV3, address _positionManager, address _WETH9, and _factoryV2 however I dont have a v2 factory deployed what am I supposed to fill out for that?