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How to find the Quoter Contract of Sepolia Testnet? #649

Open liubin595338764 opened 8 months ago

liubin595338764 commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am using the V3 SDK to getting a quote. It uses the 0xb27308f9F90D607463bb33eA1BeBb41C27CE5AB6 Quoter Contract on the Ethereum Mainnet for querying quotes.

However, I cannot find which Quoter Contract should be used on the Sepolia testnet?

Please kindly let me know.

// constants.ts
export const QUOTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS =  '0xb27308f9F90D607463bb33eA1BeBb41C27CE5AB6'

// [quote.ts](https://github.com/Uniswap/examples/blob/main/v3-sdk/quoting/src/libs/quote.ts)
const quoterContract = new ethers.Contract(
MetaMmodern commented 6 months ago

@liubin595338764 here's the list: https://docs.uniswap.org/contracts/v3/reference/deployments

Also, why I'm here, maybe you or anyone else knows which addresses should be used for tokens?

Valerione commented 5 months ago

It seems that the address for the quoter on sepolia is this 0xEd1f6473345F45b75F8179591dd5bA1888cf2FB3 but always revert on quoteExactInputSingle function...can anyone tell me if it works ?

manavsharma136 commented 5 months ago

same issue i am facing it always revert for this quoter contract

sajjadhs commented 2 months ago

I get the same issue on quoteExactInputSingle

maxell1452 commented 1 month ago

i deployed new one quote v3 0x0227628f3F023bb0B980b67D528571c95c6DaC1c with pool address 0x0227628f3F023bb0B980b67D528571c95c6DaC1c. Hopefully it works for you guys