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Consider removing Google Analytics #262

Open ottman opened 3 years ago

ottman commented 3 years ago

Big fan of Uniswap. I think the Google Analytics presence on uniswap.org is unnecessary. There are many superior tools that align better with the FOSS principles such as Snowplow, Superset, Countly, Matomo, etc.

Que-tin commented 3 years ago

Another important thing to add is that in the EU the current implementation is as far as I can see against the data protection constitution. By default, the IP, etc. when tracking via google analytics isn't anonymized. Tracking data that could give clues on e.g. where the person lives (static IP address) who is an EU resident is strictly forbidden.

moodysalem commented 3 years ago

Per https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswap-interface/commit/8d90bb7a3990b8a7f6394969cf89432c7831fec7 and https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswap-interface/commit/bdcb9a8a0ae75327b820b9fb7bb19eceeb9c87c8 we should do the same for uniswap-org and all other properties

moodysalem commented 3 years ago

I actually don't even see google analytics in this repo