This problem is found in the Coin Market Cap Token List but not the Coin Gecko List, however it's not clear to us why Token Lists should allow a Token List submitted by a third party to over-ride the number of decimals specified in the contract itself. This bug is causing Uniswap not to work properly with default settings because the first result suggested for CGT is from the Coin Market Cap list. If the user manually disables the Coin Market Cap list and instead enables the Coin Gecko list everything works properly.
This issue would affect any of the other 6000+ tokens on the Coin Market Cap Token List that have an incorrect number of decimals specified. Perhaps Coin Market Cap should not be used as the default list on Uniswap.
This problem is found in the Coin Market Cap Token List but not the Coin Gecko List, however it's not clear to us why Token Lists should allow a Token List submitted by a third party to over-ride the number of decimals specified in the contract itself. This bug is causing Uniswap not to work properly with default settings because the first result suggested for CGT is from the Coin Market Cap list. If the user manually disables the Coin Market Cap list and instead enables the Coin Gecko list everything works properly.
{"chainId":1,"name":"CACHE Gold","address":"0xf5238462e7235c7b62811567e63dd17d12c2eaa0","decimals":18,"symbol":"CGT","logoURI":""}
"decimals":18, should be "decimals":8,
Screen shot
This issue would affect any of the other 6000+ tokens on the Coin Market Cap Token List that have an incorrect number of decimals specified. Perhaps Coin Market Cap should not be used as the default list on Uniswap.