Uniswap / universal-router

Uniswap's Universal Router for NFT and ERC20 swapping
GNU General Public License v3.0
396 stars 204 forks source link

Deploy | Connection with the smart contract #297

Open Aaron-Koh opened 1 year ago

Aaron-Koh commented 1 year ago

Hello. I hope you're doing well!

I am currently in the process of redeploying the entire Uniswap-V3 project, including contracts and frontend, on Arbitrum Goerli. I have successfully deployed the contracts from the v3-core, v3-periphery, and universal-router repositories on Arbitrum Goerli. Additionally, I have made the necessary modifications to the addresses in the "arbitrum goerli v3 addresses" section of the interface/src/constants/addresses.ts file, replacing them with the addresses of my deployed contracts.

I have 3 questions that I would appreciate your guidance on:

  1. In order to implement basic functionality such as liquidity addition, swapping, and removal, would it be sufficient to deploy the contracts from the aforementioned three repositories?

  2. I noticed that you obtain the UNIVERSAL_ROUTER_ADDRESS by importing '@uniswap/universal-router-sdk'. If I intend to modify it to use my own router address, should I fork the 'universal-router-sdk' repository, then update the UNIVERSAL_ROUTER_ADDRESS constants with my own router address, and then import the modified version as a local dependency in the relevant sections?

  3. Apart from modifying the addresses in the "arbitrum goerli v3 addresses" section of the interface/src/constants/addresses.ts file and the UNIVERSAL_ROUTER_ADDRESS(then import it), are there any other modifications I need to make in order to successfully deploy Uniswap-V3 (including the frontend and contracts) on Arbitrum Goerli, enabling liquidity addition, swapping, and removal?

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your response. Thank you very much!