Unitech / pm2-deploy

Deploy part of PM2
MIT License
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pm2 deploy #165

Closed AllenZho closed 5 years ago

AllenZho commented 5 years ago

this is the config deploy : { // 项目信息 // 下面的配置是我用什么用户登录哪个服务器,从哪拉代码,项目存到什么位置。拉完执行的脚本是啥 'node1' : { user : 'root', host : '*', ref : 'origin/master', repo : 'git@gitee.com****/*.git', // 项目的存放地址,会生成current, source, share目录 path : '/disk2/pm2/testPm2', // "ssh_options": ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "PasswordAuthentication=no"], // "post-deploy" : 'npm install && pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.config.js --env production' } } this is the output $ pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js node1 --force --> Deploying to node1 environment --> on host **** ○ deploying origin/master ○ executing pre-deploy-local ○ hook pre-deploy ○ fetching updates ○ full fetch bash: 第 0 行: cd: /disk2/pm2/testPm2/source: 没有那个文件或目录

fetch failed

Deploy failed 1

phra commented 5 years ago

please provide a meaningful description of the issue.