I'm trying to deploy a sample application, using the guide at https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/deployment/, I have followed the steps, and my app was deployed successfully, however the app isn't starting.
I think pm2 is a really great tool, and I would like to use it in production,
unfortunately, I can't do that until I can actually get it working.
Your help is appreciated!
What's going wrong?
I'm trying to deploy a sample application, using the guide at https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/deployment/, I have followed the steps, and my app was deployed successfully, however the app isn't starting.
How could we reproduce this issue?
git clone git@github.com:Tobjoern/pm2-deploy-example.git
Adjust ecosystem.config.js with a custom VM (I used digital ocean, Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64) The VM setup looks like this:
Now on the local machine again:
I get the output:
But when I type 'pm2 monit' no process is shown. I probably missed some command, so your help is appreciated!
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