United-Home / 313-Walnut

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Preliminary Assessment and Planning for Porch Transformation #11

Open SuzyQuant opened 10 months ago

SuzyQuant commented 10 months ago

Background or Introduction

The porch at 313 Walnut is in a state of disrepair and requires a significant makeover to enhance its aesthetic appeal and prevent potential depreciation of the property's value. This task involves a thorough inspection of the porch to identify areas requiring attention and the development of a detailed plan outlining the steps for remediation and professional painting.

Specific and Tiny Detailed Tasks

Acceptance Criteria

Story Points Given the complexity and importance of this task, it is assigned a story point of 8 on a scale of 1 to 13, with 13 being the most complex.

Estimated Time Each sub-task within this task is estimated to take approximately half a day, resulting in a total estimated time of 1-2 days for the completion of this task.