Unity-Technologies / Animation-Instancing

This technique is designed to instance Characters(SkinnedMeshRender).
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Can I set different color for materials? #87

Open sharyu opened 4 years ago

sharyu commented 4 years ago

Hi, I want to use same model and animation, but different colors. Is it possible?

ashwin911 commented 3 years ago

Yes. You need to use a texture array and even if you just want to use pure colors I still recommend using different textures as color palettes and then you sample the texture in the shader to get the different colors. It's much more performant than sending a whole bunch of colors to the meshes.

first create a script which will create and apply the texture array to the materials. The different textures need to have the same dimensions, for example a 8x8 color palette. And the textures need to be in the same format, for example RGB 24bit .

public class TextureArray : MonoBehaviour
        public Texture2D[] textures;
        public Material[] materials;
        public bool applyOnStart = true;
        private string TexArrayStringName = "_TextureArray";
        private int texArrayHashId;
        private Texture2DArray textureArray;
        public void Start()
            texArrayHashId = Shader.PropertyToID(TexArrayStringName);

            if (applyOnStart)

        public void SetTextures()
            int textureWidth = textures[0].width;
            int textureHeight = textures[0].height;
            var format = textures[0].format;
            textureArray = 
                new Texture2DArray(textureWidth, textureHeight, textures.Length, format, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
                Graphics.CopyTexture(textures[i], 0, 0, textureArray, i, 0); // i is the index of the texture

            for (int i = 0; i < materials.Length; i++)



        public void SetTexArray(Material mat)
            mat.SetTexture(texArrayHashId, textureArray);


In AnimationInstancing.cs add a new variable. This is where you change the texture index for each character.

public class AnimationInstancing : MonoBehaviour
        public int texturArrIndex;

In AnimationInstancingMgr.cs add these things (every line under "//Add this " comment):

  public class AnimationInstancingMgr : Singleton<AnimationInstancingMgr>
      // array[index base on texture][package index][instance index]
      public struct InstanceData
          //Add this
          public List<float[]>[] texureArrayIndex;

//Add this
        private static readonly int TexArrIndexHash = Shader.PropertyToID("_TextureIndex");


      private void Render()
          foreach (var obj in vertexCachePool)
              VertexCache vertexCache = obj.Value;
              foreach (var block in vertexCache.instanceBlockList)
                  List<InstancingPackage>[] packageList =
                  for (int k = 0; k != packageList.Length; ++k)
                      for (int i = 0; i != packageList[k].Count; ++i)
                          InstancingPackage package = packageList[k][i];
                          if (package.instancingCount == 0)
                          for (int j = 0; j != package.subMeshCount; ++j)
                              InstanceData data = block.Value.instanceData;
                              if (useInstancing)
                                    PreparePackageMaterial(package, vertexCache, k);
                                  //Add this
                                  package.propertyBlock.SetFloatArray(TexArrIndexHash , data.texureArrayIndex[k][i]);

      void ApplyBoneMatrix()
          for (int i = 0; i != aniInstancingList.Count; ++i)
               AnimationInstancing instance = aniInstancingList[i];

                  for (int j = 0; j != lod.vertexCacheList.Length; ++j)
                         if (count >= 0)

                             data.transitionProgress[aniTextureIndex][index][count] = transition;

                             //Add this
                             data.texureArrayIndex[aniTextureIndex][index][count]= instance.texturArrIndex;




      public InstancingPackage CreatePackage(InstanceData data, Mesh mesh,
          Material[] originalMaterial, int animationIndex)
          //Add this
          data.texureArrayIndex[animationIndex].Add(new float[instancingPackageSize]);

          return package;
      InstanceData CreateInstanceData(int packageCount)
          //Add this
          data.texureArrayIndex = new List<float[]>[packageCount];

          for (int i = 0; i != packageCount; ++i)
              //Add this
              data.texureArrayIndex[i] = new List<float[]>();

          return data;

in your shader you need to add this


        UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP(float, _TextureIndex)    
        #define  _TexureIndex_arr Props  


and to sample the texture in the fragment shader

  int index = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(_TexureIndex_arr , _TextureIndex);
  float4 color = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY(_TextureArray, half3(IN.uv,  index));

if you use the texture as a palette where each pixel is a different color and you want to sample one color you could use a function like this

float4 GetPalletteColor( int x, int y, int texDimension)
     int index = UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(_TexureIndex_arr , _TextureIndex);
     float pixelSize = 1/texDimension;
     float halfPixSize = pixelSize * 0.5;

     return UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2DARRAY(_TextureArray, half3(halfPixSize + x * pixelSize, halfPixSize + y * pixelSize,  index));

this is useful if you use an RGB mask, so if the mask is black you sample pixel (0,0) if it's red pixel(0,1) etc.