Unity-Technologies / AssetGraph

Visual Workflow Automation Tool for Unity.
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Custom Node GUI #114

Open hiroki-o opened 6 years ago

hiroki-o commented 6 years ago

Original report by Li Ting Lee (Bitbucket: leeliting82, GitHub: leeliting82).

The graph tool is an amazing tool, and we'll be relying heavily on it for our workflow in our new and pretty huge VR project. Would like to know if its currently possible to customise the display of a custom node gui to show preview/thumbnails of the selected assets? (i.e. like the shader forge tool on the asset store) Or is it possible to make the NodeGUI class extensible? Cheers!

hiroki-o commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Hiroki Omae (Bitbucket: [Hiroki Omae](https://bitbucket.org/Hiroki Omae), ).

Hi, there is no close plan for node UI customization, but this is one of the feature I would like to enable in future. What do you want to do and how do you want to interact with the GUI? I would like to hear more about your needs.

hiroki-o commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Li Ting Lee (Bitbucket: leeliting82, GitHub: leeliting82).

For a start, we would like to process fbx assets on import and create prefabs out of them (which is similar to the dragon game example you showed at Unite). We have a naming convention within the fbx hierarchy for each child, and that name will decide what basic properties that particular child transform would have. With the current version of the asset graph tool, we'll be trying to generate a JSON/ScriptableObject to serialise all properties in the whole fbx, and store it within a new prefab as part of the workflow. i.e. 1 FBX => 1 Prefab with Serialised Properties

At the same time, we'd like to use the asset graph as an editor tool to allow customisation of individual assets (which I believe the tool doesn't yet support?). i.e. when i right click on a single prefab with serialised properties (as above), i can open a separate graph that shows the properties of the asset in separate nodes (which is where the node gui would be useful), and be able to further customise those properties by referencing other assets (assigning multiple materials, meshes etc), and lastly see the preview of the selections within the respective nodes. These customisations can then be re-serialised and stored onto the prefab, so that they can be edited again anytime via the graph tool. We need all these so that the serialised data within the prefab can be deserialised at run-time to get the properties.

Let me know if there are any parts above you need me to elaborate on. And thanks very much for reading this ticket!

hiroki-o commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Li Ting Lee (Bitbucket: leeliting82, GitHub: leeliting82).

Thank you!