Unity-Technologies / BoatAttack

Demo Project using the Universal RP from Unity3D
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A question about running the 2019.4 LTS branch project #102

Closed shadercoder closed 3 years ago

shadercoder commented 4 years ago

Hello for 2019.4 LTS branch i open the scene and found i can't play it and there is something erros like MissingReferenceException: The variable defaultFoamRamp of WaterResources doesn't exist anymore. You probably need to reassign the defaultFoamRamp variable of the 'WaterResources' script in the inspector. UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixelBilinear (System.Single u, System.Single v) (at :0) WaterSystem.Water.GenerateColorRamp () (at Packages/com.verasl.water-system/Scripts/Water.cs:321) WaterSystem.Water.Init () (at Packages/com.verasl.water-system/Scripts/Water.cs:153) WaterSystem.Water.OnEnable () (at Packages/com.verasl.water-system/Scripts/Water.cs:73) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) thx

Rumenglw commented 3 years ago

How does it solve?I have the same question!

Verasl commented 3 years ago

This sounds like it might be that you have not setup and pulled the GitLFS files properly, do any of the textures exist in the repo? Also for issues, open one under issues, PRs are for code changes.