Fix SpatialMenuElement warning present when entering play-mode, due to a missing component on an object in the SpatialMenu prefab. This warning wasn't present outside of play-mode. This fix removes the abstract SpatialMenuElement component from one of the "Text" gameObjects in the SpatialMenu prefab hierarchy.
Testing status
Tested in various scenarios, and wasn't able to reproduce the issue.
Technical risk
Medium. Due to the SpatialMenu prefab being re-serialized, there could be unforeseen minor visual changes. That said, I didn't see any visual difference present when testing.
Comments to reviewers
Enter play-mode, and you no longer see the warning "The class named 'UnityEditor.Experimental.EditorVR.SpatialMenuElement' is abstract. The script class can't be abstract!
UnityEditor.Experimental.EditorVR.Core.EditingContextManager:Awake()" logged from the DefaultScriptReferences class' Create() function.
Purpose of this PR
Fix SpatialMenuElement warning present when entering play-mode, due to a missing component on an object in the SpatialMenu prefab. This warning wasn't present outside of play-mode. This fix removes the abstract SpatialMenuElement component from one of the "Text" gameObjects in the SpatialMenu prefab hierarchy.
Testing status
Tested in various scenarios, and wasn't able to reproduce the issue.
Technical risk
Medium. Due to the SpatialMenu prefab being re-serialized, there could be unforeseen minor visual changes. That said, I didn't see any visual difference present when testing.
Comments to reviewers
Enter play-mode, and you no longer see the warning "The class named 'UnityEditor.Experimental.EditorVR.SpatialMenuElement' is abstract. The script class can't be abstract! UnityEditor.Experimental.EditorVR.Core.EditingContextManager:Awake()" logged from the DefaultScriptReferences class' Create() function.