Unity-Technologies / GenericFrameRecorder

This GitHub package is DEPRECATED. Please get the new Unity Recorder from the Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/unity-recorder-94079) Use the editor builtin Bug Reporter to report issues. You can track and vote for issues on the Issue Tracker (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com)
MIT License
535 stars 66 forks source link

Asset store release RC1 quality #26

Closed JamesMcGhee closed 7 years ago

JamesMcGhee commented 7 years ago

I have tested a number of recordings of a simple 60second scene with a few objects 2 cameras (main and background) and a number of different recorder settings around mp4. In all cases the quality is unusable not intierly sure what is happening but the resulting video is very distorted as if massivly downscaled then scaled back up.

For note I am testing the case where 2 cameras are required to produce the final image so am recording from game view, I expect this will be a common case for most users and a common approch to capture the video (e.g. capture the game view not each camera indapendently then layer them as this would produce incorrect results in many cases)

I do wonder if capturing the game view considering the game view generally scales the output down to fit the box is the problem. Either way for this to be a time saver it should be able to capture the resulting render of any combination of cameras just as Game View would and it should be able to do so at any given resolution otherwise its simpliy easier and faster to compile, run and capture from the video card its self where you know the results are what you see.

jasonm-unity commented 7 years ago

have you boosted the output / bitrate? the default bitrate is just a number and should very much be tailored to the output resolution.

JamesMcGhee commented 7 years ago

Nope I didn't even think to expand the Encoding option. So feature request, offer presets and calculated values similar what tools like Adobe Media Encoder do ... I will re-test using the values from Media Encoder to see how this works out. I would expect most of us general users wont think of Encoding the first time they try it and when they do realise they like me wont really know what values would be good here so defently need at least some guidance on these values.

I'll reply again once I have tested using values I come up with off Media Encoder

Update for my recent test using Media Encoder encoding values. Quality is better, what I did it to test using the Adobe Media Encoder preset values for YouTube 1080 and 4k options thats 16megabit VBR (1080) and 40 megabit VBR (4k) In the tool this is listed as bit rate and defaults it looks like to 1megabit. Might I recomend the following 1) use mega bits not bits, its a simpler number for a human to read/type on teh back end you multiply this out to the proper bit rate with little effort. 2) When selecting resolution you have presets, thouse presets should also have default encoding settings for them e.g. if you choose 1080 FHD then assume for example 16megabits, a simple toggle on the Encoding section called 'Use Defaults' would let users easily override these settings or switch back to them after having previously overridden ... just an example of how it could work. 3) Audio is always captured, of course its simple enough to just not include any audio but it would be a simple nice to have if we could explicitly exclude audio saving a bit of effort on the systems part when capturing

Few other minor things I noted When changing your selected recorder it loses the output path and goes back to defualt When adding a tag it always puts it on the end And finally and this is really a matter of Unity in general, the editor respects the player setting (run in background) but many games will have this off e.g. a game generally should pause when it doesn't have focus for recording this sucks :) it would be nice if while record this was overridden to allow running in background and then set back when recording stops.

jasonm-unity commented 7 years ago

Excellent feed back!

if you have other feature requests, please feel free to add them here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/GenericFrameRecorder/issues/24