Unity-Technologies / GenericFrameRecorder

This GitHub package is DEPRECATED. Please get the new Unity Recorder from the Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/unity-recorder-94079) Use the editor builtin Bug Reporter to report issues. You can track and vote for issues on the Issue Tracker (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com)
MIT License
534 stars 66 forks source link

[v0.2] Recording with resolution other than "Window" gives an error #32

Closed jakubsmaga closed 6 years ago

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

Starting recording and using any resolution other than "Window" gives an error, If resolution is set to Window and game view resolution is set manually everything works as expected.


Using 2017.2.0b10

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

I've used every single version of Recorder. I never had this problem, now when I'm trying to render a movie with resolution other than "Window" i see this:


Strange thing is that it only happens in a project that used other Recorder builds, in a empty project there is no errors.

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

Deleting and re-importing Recorder doesn't fix the problem.

jasonm-unity commented 6 years ago

Q: if you 1st restart the editor, then delete the recorder directory, does it still occur? Any chance you can attach a stripped down version of the project that has the error?

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

A: Still happens. I don't know why but i don't get this error in empty project, Could i just sent you my main project? (It's around 1GB size) Just send me your email address.

jasonm-unity commented 6 years ago

that's too large for email. can you try attaching here? I've no idea what the Github attachement size limit is.

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

I don't really want to upload my private project here, I wanted your email so i could upload it to Dropbox or some cloud and send you the link privately.

jasonm-unity commented 6 years ago

I sent you a msg on the unity forum, for email privacy.

jakubsmaga commented 6 years ago

Issue fixed.
