Unity-Technologies / GenericFrameRecorder

This GitHub package is DEPRECATED. Please get the new Unity Recorder from the Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/unity-recorder-94079) Use the editor builtin Bug Reporter to report issues. You can track and vote for issues on the Issue Tracker (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com)
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Camera Viewport rect streched in the output if rendered individually #50

Closed JoelFortin closed 6 years ago

JoelFortin commented 6 years ago
What happened?

Having a setup of two camera with different viewport rect, if I record the view using tagged camera to only output one of my two cameras, the output will stretch the only camera I recorded to the resolution set in the recorder.

Is it reproduceable?
  1. Create two cameras in your scene
  2. Set different tag to both cameras (e.g: MainCamera and Ground)
  3. Set the viewport rect of the camera to be side by side
    • MainCamera -> x=0 y=0 w=0.5 h=1
    • Ground -> x=0.5 y=0 w=0.5 h=1
  4. Set the recorder's input source to use TaggedCamera and set the tag to be "Ground"
  5. Record with these settings

Result: The output will have the Ground camera stretched to the resolution chosen in the settings. I would expect the left half of the output to be black and right half to keep its ratio.

jasonm-unity commented 6 years ago

limitation of that input method. added a warning message to inform user that output quality will be degraded. Adding for