Unity-Technologies / GenericFrameRecorder

This GitHub package is DEPRECATED. Please get the new Unity Recorder from the Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/unity-recorder-94079) Use the editor builtin Bug Reporter to report issues. You can track and vote for issues on the Issue Tracker (https://issuetracker.unity3d.com)
MIT License
534 stars 66 forks source link

Supply Assembly Definition Files with the asset, please? #81

Open Arakade opened 6 years ago

Arakade commented 6 years ago

For most assets, it's merely a case of adding one to the top-level directory then another to the single "Editor" directory that is both (a) set "Editor target only" and (b) references the top-level asmdef. This asset has 19 "Editor" directories and (likely) a web of inter-dependencies making this far from simple to reap the benefit of incremental compilation. Thanks

Arakade commented 6 years ago

Created asmdefs that seems to work. I don't claim it's 100% minimal but it's probably close. Unzip atop "Assets/Unity Technologies/Recorder".


For the curious, this seems to be the dependency tree (that's implemented by the files):