Unity-Technologies / SkyboxPanoramicShader

Skybox shader for support of 360/180/cubemap video and static content
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FIXED: Build Errors #4

Closed M4R5W0N6 closed 6 years ago

M4R5W0N6 commented 6 years ago

Upon building for iOS, Unity throws me these errors:

Assets/SkyboxPanoramicShader-master/SkyboxPanoramicBetaShaderGUI.cs(3,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name AnimatedValues' does not exist in the namespaceUnityEditor'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

As well as one for "ShaderGUI" three for "AnimBool" and two for each "MaterialEditor" and "MaterialProperty"

M4R5W0N6 commented 6 years ago

Silly me, I forgot to put the shader under the Editor folder 🤦‍♂️

"Sounds like you may have forgotten to place the SkyboxPanoramicBetaShaderGUI.cs file inside a sub-folder named "Editor" in your Assets. This would have the effect of trying to build Editor code into your game builds (which won't work)." @ToulouseUnity on https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-to-integrate-360-video-with-unity.485405/