Unity-Technologies / SpaceshipDemo

Spaceship Demo - AAA Playable First person demo showcasing effects made with Visual Effect Graph and rendered with High Definition Render Pipeline
1.07k stars 279 forks source link

After main menu and slight dialogue nothing ends up happening (Linux) #1

Open MostHated opened 5 years ago

MostHated commented 5 years ago

Hey there, I was excited to try this out, I went to build it and it errored out the first time, so for giggles, I tried again as it feels like with the Linux client if you don't have to do it twice, it wasn't worth doing in the first place. It was successful the second try, so I went to fire it up and the menu came up, got a loading screen, then the Unity logo followed by black screen and some subtitles and I started to hear some dialogue, they got 2-3 lines in, to the point where one of them says "I can't hear anything, the whole systems busted" and then sadly, that's it. That is all that happens. I let it sit for a few minutes, wondering if you guys were masters of suspense as the ominous tune in the background continued to lead me on.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Escape menu still worked, I quit to menu, figured I would give it the ol' Linux double down and hope the second time would work, but to my disappointment, it stopped at the same place. I have so many questions... how busted was the system? If it was that busted, how could he hear him to reply if he could hear him or not? Hopefully one day I will get to find out...

Thanks, -MH

Edit Quick update - At first I didn't realize that the main menu was missing the entirety of its vfx when built. It was pretty much just the 3 buttons. When I hit play in the editor, I could see that there was a large and awesome looking space scene. I made sure I had the right download, the folder is currently 5.6gb (including the folder with the build), but for some reason when built no vfx show up. The build folder itself looks about 1.1gb.

             /////////////                mosthated@mosthated-pc
         /////////////////////            ----------------------
      ///////*767////////////////         OS: Pop!_OS 19.04 x86_64
    //////7676767676*//////////////       Host: MS-7B79 2.0
   /////76767//7676767//////////////      Kernel: 5.0.0-21-generic
  /////767676///*76767///////////////     Uptime: 1 day, 7 hours, 45 mins
 ///////767676///76767.///7676*///////    Packages: 3624 (dpkg), 15 (flatpak), 10 (snap)
/////////767676//76767///767676////////   Shell: zsh 5.5.1
//////////76767676767////76767/////////   Resolution: 1920x1080, 2560x1080, 1920x1080
///////////76767676//////7676//////////   DE: GNOME 3.32.2
////////////,7676,///////767///////////   WM: GNOME Shell
/////////////*7676///////76////////////   WM Theme: Pop
///////////////7676////////////////////   Theme: Pop-slim-dark [GTK2/3]
 ///////////////7676///767////////////    Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
  //////////////////////'////////////     Terminal: alacritty
   //////.7676767676767676767,//////      Terminal Font: Source Code Pro
    /////767676767676767676767/////       CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (12) @ 3.400GHz
      ///////////////////////////         GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
         /////////////////////            Memory: 14595MiB / 32175MiB
MostHated commented 5 years ago

Upon building again I noticed it completed, but with the following errors. Is there something I should do on my end about this?

Shader error in 'Hidden/VFX/Core Inner Glow/Quad Output': '' : compilation terminated at line 451 (on vulkan)
Compiling Vertex program

Shader error in 'Hidden/VFX/Core Inner Glow/Quad Output': 'assign' :  cannot convert from ' global highp float' to ' temp highp 2-component vector of float' at line 451 (on vulkan)
Compiling Vertex program
peeweek commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, the demo has build and rendering issues with linux on vulkan, also metal on macOS for the moment.

MostHated commented 5 years ago

Ah ok, I understand. No worries, mostly just wanted to make sure you guys were aware!

peeweek commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your feedback

I will keep this issue open until we publish a version that works under linux/vulkan