Unity-Technologies / SpaceshipDemo

Spaceship Demo - AAA Playable First person demo showcasing effects made with Visual Effect Graph and rendered with High Definition Render Pipeline
1.05k stars 276 forks source link

Problem with git-lfs, looks like it *might* be a case-sensitivity issue #10

Open will-crawford opened 3 years ago

will-crawford commented 3 years ago

The .gitattributes list lower-case file extensions.

There are two files with capitalized extensions which are causing a problem:

[william@william SpaceshipDemo]$ git lfs fsck Object Assets/VFX/Effects/Core/CoreChunk.FBX (2ba6dd477d1641def0db1ca7e03f507e4becbad5bc0087be869a9a7df6e68202) could not be checked: no such file or directory Object Assets/VFX/Textures/Generic/BlobDistortion.TGA (6b749dce5787a3297cedaa2596a4f6e49b4e11a11542e7ac3b052f518531a717) could not be checked: no such file or directory Moving corrupt objects to /home/william/src/github.com/Unity-Technologies/SpaceshipDemo/.git/lfs/bad rename /home/william/src/github.com/Unity-Technologies/SpaceshipDemo/.git/lfs/objects/2b/a6/2ba6dd477d1641def0db1ca7e03f507e4becbad5bc0087be869a9a7df6e68202 /home/william/src/github.com/Unity-Technologies/SpaceshipDemo/.git/lfs/bad/2ba6dd477d1641def0db1ca7e03f507e4becbad5bc0087be869a9a7df6e68202: no such file or directory [william@william SpaceshipDemo]$ git lfs fetch fetch: Fetching reference refs/heads/master [william@william SpaceshipDemo]$ git lfs checkout Checking out LFS objects: 100% (874/874), 1.8 GB | 0 B/s, done.
[william@william SpaceshipDemo]$ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage) modified: Assets/VFX/Effects/Core/CoreChunk.FBX modified: Assets/VFX/Textures/Generic/BlobDistortion.TGA

[william@william SpaceshipDemo]$