Unity-Technologies / com.unity.demoteam.digital-human

Library of tech features used to realize the digital human from 'The Heretic' and 'Enemies'.
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Using EyeRenderer with a SkinnedMeshRenderer #13

Open qlee01 opened 1 year ago

qlee01 commented 1 year ago


I am trying to use the EyeRenderer with a SMR. With a normal MeshRenderer I don't have issues, but as soon as I am using a SMR it seems some offsets are not correctly calculated; I can use the Geometry Offsets to adjust the Gizmos without problems, but I don't get any refraction from the Cornea and no Pupil rendering. I guess it's a bug in either EyeRenderer.cs or EyeProperties.hlsl, but after some research in the code I was not able to find it.