Unity-Technologies / com.unity.netcode.gameobjects

Netcode for GameObjects is a high-level netcode SDK that provides networking capabilities to GameObject/MonoBehaviour workflows within Unity and sits on top of underlying transport layer.
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MPPM: Multiplayer Roles of virtual players default to "Server" which is really, really unhelpful #2849

Open CodeSmile-0000011110110111 opened 3 months ago

CodeSmile-0000011110110111 commented 3 months ago


Apparently when a new SystemData.json file is created, all three virtual players are assigned role 2 (Server), only the main editor player has role 3 (Client and Server).

This should default to Client and Server for all players. Three servers don't make any sense, and having Server as the default role means more issues since it's rather unexpected and is likely to cause issues with code execution paths and component stripping.

If only we could change those settings with an editor API but ... #2847

johann-r-unity commented 3 months ago

Hi, Could you share the versions of the editor, com.unity.multiplayer.playmode and com.unity.dedicated-server you are using ? This has normally been fixed.

CodeSmile-0000011110110111 commented 3 months ago

Editor 6000.0.0b12

playmode: 1.0.0 (no "pre")

dedicated: 1.0.0 (no "pre")

But I should add that I'm importing a .unitypackage of a "template" project (includes ProjectSettings) that was created with editor 2023.3.0b10 (because 6000's can't upload assets currently).

johann-r-unity commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the details ! We'll fix this in an upcoming patch.