Unity-Technologies / com.unity.netcode.gameobjects

Netcode for GameObjects is a high-level netcode SDK that provides networking capabilities to GameObject/MonoBehaviour workflows within Unity and sits on top of underlying transport layer.
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Multiplayer Play Mode 1.0 fails to reload domain under specific circumstances #2900

Open Yoraiz0r opened 1 month ago

Yoraiz0r commented 1 month ago


I've tried using Multiplayer Play Mode, with Domain Reload disabled, and noticed that when I make code changes, the domain is not reloaded for the additional players at certain times.

After some experimentation, I've determined the problem comes through its interaction with the Jetbrains Rider Editor.

The problem was perceived such that when changing any code with Rider (such as Debug.Log("A") to B), the primary editor reloads domain properly, but other editors will not reload domain.

Attempting the same process with Visual Studio code properly reloads domains for other editors.

To understand what is going wrong with the interaction, I've locally pulled both the Jetbrains Rider Editor package and the Multiplayer Play Mode package.

Jetbrains Rider seems to be innocent in this case, only asking for an assets refresh.

Multiplayer Play Mode fails under its lambda event for vpContext.MainEditorSystems.AssetImportEvents.RequestImport, in Unity.Multiplayer.Playmode.VirtualProjects.Editor.MainEditorInternalRuntime.HandleEvents. Specifically, it fails under this this section

                if (numAssetsChanged == 0)
                    MppmLog.Debug("No assets to actually sync with clones.");

If the code is changed through visual studio, the numAssetsChanged is 1, but if Jetbrains Rider handles the code change, the event is only raised with numAssetsChanged being 0.

This numAssetsCheck seems erronous to me, since didDomainReload is set to true.

For now, I'm opting to locally solve this by changing this query to if (numAssetsChanged == 0 && !didDomainReload), which resolves the problems.

Reproduce Steps

  1. Create a new Unity project, with the Jetbrains Rider Editor and Multiplayer Play Mode packages installed.
  2. Create a MonoBehaviour with Start() { Debug.Log("A"); } and add it to a gameobject in an open scene.
  3. In the Project Settings/Editor/Enter Play Mode Settings enable Enter Play Mode Options and disable Domain Reload.
  4. Open Multiplayer Play Mode and enable a second player.
  5. Enter Play Mode, and witness both players logging "A".
  6. Exit Play Mode
  7. Using Jetbrains Rider, edit "A" to "B", and witness that only the primary player reloads domain.
  8. Enter Play Mode, and witness the primary player logging "B" while the second player logs "A".

Actual Outcome

Primary player reloads domain, but second player does not.

Expected Outcome

Both players reload domain, when code changes.


van800 commented 1 month ago

This issue was also reported in the Rider bugtracker https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-111671/Riders-asset-refresh-on-code-change-does-not-trigger-Unitys-Multiplayer-Play-Modes-recompilation I haven't found a way for work-arounding it on the Rider package side. Please see details in the YouTrack issue.