Hey there everyone,
I"m working on a segmentation model using synthetic data i generated using unity perception,
I"m working with several scenes, every scene using different randomizers and every scene loads after 1 finishes until there is no more new scenes to load.
The metadata file generated after the simulation gives a wrong estimation on the number of sequences and I"m having trouble to fix it by myself, any idea what is causing it?
I try to convert it to coco and train my model but every time Im trying to convert it fails on the last sequence number which dosent exsit.
Meaning if i generated 0-99 sequences it keeps looking for the 100 sequence.
screenshots for the directory and for the metadata.json
Tnx in advance,
EDIT: I gladly found the problem. my current simulation isnt finishing, and switches to the next frame without finishing properly the last simulation leaving it without the last seq, I still need help solving this, cant capture the simulation ending due to its protection in the source code.
EDIT: I made a change to my program architecture using a main scene and different randomizers attachments, but i would still look into this problem, there is got to be a way to switch scenes without compromising the data generated.
Hey there everyone, I"m working on a segmentation model using synthetic data i generated using unity perception, I"m working with several scenes, every scene using different randomizers and every scene loads after 1 finishes until there is no more new scenes to load.
The metadata file generated after the simulation gives a wrong estimation on the number of sequences and I"m having trouble to fix it by myself, any idea what is causing it? I try to convert it to coco and train my model but every time Im trying to convert it fails on the last sequence number which dosent exsit. Meaning if i generated 0-99 sequences it keeps looking for the 100 sequence.
screenshots for the directory and for the metadata.json
Tnx in advance, Mark
EDIT: I gladly found the problem. my current simulation isnt finishing, and switches to the next frame without finishing properly the last simulation leaving it without the last seq, I still need help solving this, cant capture the simulation ending due to its protection in the source code.
EDIT: I made a change to my program architecture using a main scene and different randomizers attachments, but i would still look into this problem, there is got to be a way to switch scenes without compromising the data generated.