Unity-Technologies / com.unity.webrtc

WebRTC package for Unity
738 stars 186 forks source link

[BUG]: #1028

Open BanQingTian opened 2 months ago

BanQingTian commented 2 months ago

Package version



* OS:windows 10
* Unity version: unity 2021.3.34

Steps To Reproduce

  1. I used the demo scene - MungeSDPl.unity
  2. if i don't use ice candidate, only use offer and answer, it can't receive the video stream :(
  3. how can i do something let it running in LAN (don't use stun and turn)
  4. thanks

Current Behavior

No response

Expected Behavior

No response

Anything else?

No response

BanQingTian commented 2 months ago

if don't use ice candidate, the answer finished, but it don't pull video stream