Unity-Technologies / com.unity.webrtc

WebRTC package for Unity
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[BUG]: When running the video streaming track on Android, the video source cannot be transmitted #1046

Open wmRD01 opened 1 month ago

wmRD01 commented 1 month ago

Package version



* OS:Android
* Unity version:2022.3

Steps To Reproduce

  1. import package WebRTC 3.0.0-pre.7
  2. in unity Create Scene
  3. Create video-related objects, such as Camera, RawImage...

Current Behavior

When the video track is running on Android, the video source cannot be sent I don't know what the problem is. It can run when editing, but after packaging into an App, the video cannot be sent to the service. The program code is as follows:

 peerConnection = new()
            OnIceConnectionChange = state => { Debug.Log("IceConnectionState: " + state); },
            OnConnectionStateChange = state => { Debug.Log("ConnectionState: " + state); },
            OnIceGatheringStateChange = state => { Debug.Log("IceGatheringState: " + state); },
            // OnIceGatheringChange = state => { Debug.Log("IceGatheringState: " + state); },
            OnIceCandidate = state => { Debug.Log("OnIceCandidate: " + state); },
            OnDataChannel = state => { Debug.Log("OnDataChannel: " + state); },
            OnNegotiationNeeded = () => { Debug.Log("OnNegotiationNeeded: "); },
            OnTrack = state => { Debug.Log("OnTrack: " + state); },
            // OnRemoveTrack = state => { Debug.Log("OnRemoveTrack: " + state); },
        videoTrack = _camera.CaptureStreamTrack(localView.texture.width, localView.texture.height);


        var offer = peerConnection.CreateOffer();
        yield return offer;

        var offerDesc = offer.Desc;

        var opLocal = peerConnection.SetLocalDescription(ref offerDesc);
        yield return opLocal;

        var filteredSdp = "";

        foreach (string sdpLine in offer.Desc.sdp.Split("\r\n"))
            if (!sdpLine.StartsWith("a=extmap"))
                filteredSdp += sdpLine + "\r\n";


        using (UnityWebRequest www = new(
            www.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(filteredSdp));
            www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
            www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/sdp");
            www.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {webrtcUrl}");

            yield return www.SendWebRequest();

            if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)

                var answer = new RTCSessionDescription { type = RTCSdpType.Answer, sdp = www.downloadHandler.text };
                var opRemote = peerConnection.SetRemoteDescription(ref answer);
                yield return opRemote;
                if (opRemote.IsError)
                    // Debug.LogWarning(opRemote.Current);

Expected Behavior

When starting stream video call,you can pull video

Anything else?

return version to package WebRTC 3.0.0-pre.6 can Publish Streaming

gtk2k commented 4 weeks ago

Since the WHIP signaling URL is https://webrtcpush.tlivewebrtcpush.com/webrtc/v2/whip it seems that you are using Tencent's service. https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/267/57042 According to this document, the supported codecs are H264, AV1, and HEVC. It is possible that the software codec VP8 has been selected, so why not try setting the codec to H264 only, connecting your PC (Unity Editor) and Android via P2P, and see if you can send video correctly from Android in H264? There is a sample of how to select a codec in this repository, so please refer to it. Also, please check if there is an error when you call SetRemoteDescription() on the Answer.

wmRD01 commented 1 week ago

Sorry for seeing the message so late. Thank you for your reply. Our colleagues confirmed that when the "Sdp" parameter was printed out, it was H264. In addition, "There are examples of how to select codecs in this repository". Since the documentation is like a maze and it is difficult to find the target, can you guide me how to find it? Our use of this library actually did not follow the official documentation because they did not provide the SDK used by Unity (the streaming service is not other services), so we can only observe how the API is used from the Demo and implement it ourselves. Although in the end we chose to return to version 3.0.0-pre.6 so that it can be used normally and gave up tracking this issue, I am talking to you with a communication mentality.